3. Student Information, Wellbeing & Behaviour
Student Voice
Key Priorities are to: ‐ foster a shared sense of responsibility between students and teachers for the quality and conditions of learning and teaching ‐ encourage students at RPCC to become active participants in design and change ‐ promote community cohesion ‐ develop student leadership skills These key priorities are addressed through College Council and other Student Voice platforms. College Council Objective: To provide a collective and dynamic student voice The College Council plays an active role in developing learning and teaching in our school. It does not just focus on the college environment and fundraising but also discusses key issues relating to what goes on in the classroom. Learning and teaching issues are standing agenda items. Representatives are democratically elected from each Tutor Group and are responsible for collecting the views of their peers. Each Tutor Group has a box or notice board into which students can post or raise issues. These issues are prioritised by the College Council and decisions are made by the Steering Group and how they should be tackled. Meetings are held once per month. Extra meetings will be convened as required. Meeting notes will be circulated to Tutor Groups and staff. The Progress Tutor is responsible for ensuring that the representatives have ample time to share the outcome of the meetings and to gather the views of their peers. The notes displayed on the Tutor Group notice board. Where possible, staff will be invited to meet with the College Council to discuss issues relating to learning and teaching and other matters affecting the students. All issues raised by the College Council are circulated for discussion to the school Leadership Team. College Council is divided into year groups : Meetings
Other Student Voice Platforms Steering Group : Comprising the Chair and Deputy Chairs of College Council and
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