3. Student Information, Wellbeing & Behaviour

Student Concern/Feedback Policy

Statement At Regents Park Community College we respect each other. We do not bully, verbally or physically, nor discriminate against others (School Code of Conduct) If you do not feel that you are being treated in a respectful manner or you feel unsafe or uncomfortable with a situation within the school environment then it is your right to be heard. The difference between a concern and a complaint is to be acknowledged by all parties. We take informal concerns expressed by students at the school seriously at the earliest stage and Regents Park staff welcome the opportunity to resolve issues as they arise as part of the school’s drive for improvement. We are proud of our restorative practice support system. The Student Concern/Feedback Policy aims to: ❑ Encourage resolution of issues by informal means ❑ Be impartial and non-adversarial ❑ Ensure a full and fair investigation involving all parties ❑ Address the points and provide an effective response ❑ Respect the confidentiality of students How to raise a concern / complaint : 1. Talk to your Tutor, they may support you in raising the concern / complaint with a subject teacher or Head of Year Support if it is a pastoral issue, if it is not resolved: 2a. If it is of a general school area, discuss your concerns with your Head of Year Or 2b. It is related to one of your subjects, ask your Tutor to support you in raising your concern with the Curriculum Leader 3. If it is not resolved, ask to meet with your Year Team LT link or the subject area’s LT link 4. If it is not resolved, ask to meet with a Deputy Headteacher 5. If it is not resolved, ask to meet with the Headteacher

Some of your opportunities to give your views and to raise concerns:

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