3. Student Information, Wellbeing & Behaviour

Section 3 – Learning Communities and Student Behaviour & Wellbeing


The Student Day


Head of Year Structure


Progress Tutor List


Student School Ambassadors


Home-school Agreement


Behaviour Principles and Code of Conduct


Behaviour Policy & Procedures


Uniform Policy


Student Concern/Feedback Policy

10 Student Voice 11 The Charity Strategy 12 Arrangements for Passes and Permits 13 Students’ Items and Classroom Equipment 14 Attendance Policy incl. legal requirements

15 Anti-Bullying Policy 16 School Assemblies

The Student Day

Monday - Friday

8.00am - 8.20am 8.20am - 8.30am

Breakfast available in Dining Room

Arrival in school / Preparation for Registration

8.30am - 8.55am

Morning Registration / Tutor Time / Assembly

8.55am - 9.45am

Lesson 1

9.45am - 10.35am

Lesson 2

10.35am - 10.50am


10.50am - 11.40am 11.40am - 12.30pm

Lesson 3 Lesson 4

12.30pm - 13.00pm


13.00pm - 13.50pm

Lesson 5 / Afternoon Registration

13.50pm - 14.40pm

Lesson 6

Dismissal Students may be detained to 15.00 / 20 mins at the end of the day Study Support / Enrichment Activities / Clubs and Classes

from 14.40pm

14.40pm - 15.40pm

Please note that students may sometimes be retained in school for up to 20 minutes without prior notice. This is in line with school sanctions.

Head of Year Structure 2021


Head of Year

Head of Year Support

LT Link


Mr D Gates

Mrs Blakely

Mr R Ramshaw


Mr S Sinclair

Miss Moore

Mr R Ramshaw


Mrs E Bishop

Miss Moore

Mr R Ramshaw


Mr A Stone

Mrs L Jarvis

Mr R Ramshaw


Miss E Grassie

Mrs L Jarvis

Mr R Ramshaw

Progress Tutors 2021/2022 Autumn Term 2021

Whole School Overview – Mr R Ramshaw PSHE Lead: Mr P Winson Year 7 Head of Year: Mr D Gates – Lower School Office Briefing Room: 2

Assembly: Friday

Branson BM Mrs B Morrissey Branson JW Mr J Walker Branson PR Miss P Rendall Parks TM Mr T Makepeace

Parks CD Miss C Davenport Rowling DM Mr D Moth Rowling GD Miss G Donovan



HOY Support Mrs D Blakely





Intervention Tutor Mrs A Cooper


Year 8 Head of Year: Mr S Sinclair – Lower School Office Briefing Room: 7

Assembly: Thursday

Branson KOB Mrs K O’Brien Branson EC Mrs E Cosford

Rowling CSE Mr C Selfe Rowling OT Mr O Timmis Rowling GB Mr G Barron



HOY Support Miss K Moore Intervention Tutor Mrs S Fishlock



Parks KSW Mrs K Stanness-Witcher



Parks RR Miss R Robinson


Year 9 Head of Year: Mrs E Bishop – Upper School Office Briefing Room: M2

Assembly: Wednesday

Branson CSF Mrs C Selfe

Parks DO Mr D Odum Rowling GS Mr G Sadler Rowling VL Ms V Loubier



HOY Support Miss K Moore Intervention Tutor Miss P West

Branson KC Miss K Chegwidden



Parks KS Miss K Smith Parks JT Mrs J Timmis




Year 10 Head of Year: Mr A Stone – Upper School Office Briefing Room: 6

Assembly: Tuesday

Branson SA Mr S Ashworth Branson NH Miss N Harrison Branson GBi Miss G Birch

Parks EK Mrs E Northfield



HOY Support Mrs L Jarvis Intervention Tutor Mrs K Anibaba

Rowling TP Mr T Pine Rowling KB Mrs K Blake





Parks EGT Miss E Gilbert-Twigg


Year 11 Head of Year: Miss E Grassie – Upper School Office Briefing Room: 3

Assembly: Monday

Branson RM Miss R Murphy Branson AL Mr A Lucas Parks JF Miss J Fison

Parks HF Mrs H Freeman Rowling KG Mr K Grainey Rowling LL Mrs L Lomer

HOY Support Mrs L Jarvis Intervention Tutor Mrs N Moussa Mentoring Support Tutor Mr M Branford (M2)





14 35 SEN Language Support/Intervention for all year groups – Mrs R Sturdy

Student School Ambassadors 2021

Jack Winterburn

Head Ambassador Head Ambassador

Branson AL Rowling JLM

Nicole Ioan

Hayden Smith Erin Maddock

Deputy Head Ambassador Deputy Head Ambassador

Branson RM

Parks HF

William Crouch George Nott

Senior Ambassador Senior Ambassador Senior Ambassador Senior Ambassador Senior Ambassador Senior Ambassador

Parks HF

Rowling JLM Rowling KG

Maya Kaur

Alisa Fillippova Denisa Danalache Dylan Baddams

Parks HF

Rowling KG Rowling KG

Nathan Boyce

Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect Prefect

Rowling JLM Rowling KG

Tia Pardesi

Molly Langston Ani Doncheva Mariana Rocha Cassie Connell Megan Durham Vivian Nomo Ella Farrelly

Parks HF Parks HF Parks JF Parks JF Parks HF

Branson RM

Parks HF

Dia Dishad

Branson RM Rowling JLM

Amandeep Kaur



 Ensure that my child attends school every day and is punctual and agree to notify the school if there are exceptional circumstances that prevent this  Ensure my child comes to school in full uniform and is properly equipped  Make the school aware of issues that might affect my child’s work, behaviour or attendance  Support RPCC’s behaviour policy, rules and sanctions  Encourage my child to complete homework, check and sign their planner (Yr 7) and check Google Classroom  Attend Parents Evenings and appointments to discuss my child’s progress  Ensure my child’s absences are explained promptly  Be respectful in all dealings with RPCC Name of Parent: Signed: Date: STUDENT: I WILL:  Aim to achieve at least a 96% attendance record  Be punctual  Treat all members of the RPCC community with Respect and be polite and courteous at all times  Wear my uniform with Pride  Take Pride in my learning, both in school and out of school and aim to always do my very best  Treat the school environment with Respect  Show Creativity and initiative in lessons and with homework  Be resilient when faced with Challenge. Never give up!  Take advantage of extra- curricular opportunities  Ensure I model good behaviour by showing Respect and by following the school’s Code of Conduct. Student’s name: Tutor Group: Signed: Date:


To foster a strong and mutually beneficial

partnership between parents, their child and RPCC, which is firmly rooted in the belief that this will support all students in their journey to becoming exceptional people


Proud to be RPCC Proud of the past, building for the future

Proud of exceptional progress, exceptional people





 Provide a supportive and safe learning environment which allows your child to reach their potential and that promotes their health and happiness  Monitor your child’s attendance  Provide opportunities to discuss your child’s progress and well- being at Parents Evening and other forums  Promote high standards of behavior and learning that are firmly rooted in the school’s core values of Respect, Pride, Creativity, Challenge  Keep you informed and updated about RPCC activities through the newsletter, website, texts, phone calls, letters  Show integrity, consistency and fairness when applying the school’s behavior policy  Assess, monitor and report on your child’s progress regularly  Hold termly Regents Park Parent Voice meetings  Provide opportunities for your child to participate in extra- curricular activities and trips  Ask you to give us feedback about how we are doing via Parent View Please note that details of the school’s policies, rules of conduct, complaints procedures are available on the school’s website and/or as separate documents available from the school on request.

To foster a strong and mutually beneficial

partnership between parents, their child and RPCC, which is firmly rooted in the belief that this will support all students in their journey to becoming exceptional people


Proud to be RPCC Proud of the past, building for the future

Proud of exceptional progress, exceptional people

Signed (on behalf of RPCC )



Regents Park Community College

Behaviour Principles & Code of Conduct Policy

Policy updated: July 2021 Policy ratified at Governors Meeting: July 2021 Policy signed by: Chair of Governors Policy to be reviewed: July 2022 Statutory

Introduction Regents Park Community College is committed to providing an environment where all people can feel safe, happy, accepted and integrated. • Proud to be RPCC • Proud of the past, building for the future • Proud of exceptional progress, exceptional people The school’s behaviour principles are outlined in the Code of Conduct. The aim of the school’s Code of Conduct is to determine the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, the hierarchy of rewards and sanctions and how they will be fairly and consistently applied. Statement At Regents Park Community College we believe that students should understand the basic principle of how to behave whilst in school and outside. We believe that positive behaviour and relationships enable students to learn effectively; and that positive behaviour creates a safe, secure and supportive environment for students to develop. It is essential that all staff at Regents Park Community College are aware of the Behaviour Management Policy and use it in a consistent manner within their practice. The school has the statutory right to discipline any unacceptable behaviour by students; it will lead to consequences and appropriate sanctions. Regents Park Community College endeavours to value everybody through: 1. Supporting students to develop the Green and Proud status of being at RPCC: - Respect - Pride - Creativity - Challenge 2. The creation of a positive atmosphere generated by shared aims and values; and a physical environment that is attractive and stimulating 3. The governors, staff, students and parents supported in knowing what the expectations are and how they can be met 4. Positive re-enforcement and the use of reflective practice and application of Restorative practice 7. Behaviour that promotes courtesy, cooperation and consideration from all students in terms of relationships with other students, teachers and other school staff visitors or other persons within/outside the school premises 8. Encouraging good behaviour and respect for others and prevent all forms of bullying 9. Promotion of self-discipline and proper regard for authority among students 10.High and consistent expectations being applied that allow for an environment that facilitates teachers being able to teach and learners being able to learn 11. The establishment of a shared responsibility and regular effective communication between all stakeholders 5. Positive behaviour praised with a positive, inclusive rewards policy 6. The separation of the behaviour from the child as an individual

12.Overcoming any barriers to learning; e.g. by working with parents and all relevant external agencies when necessary 13.Planned involvement of parents 14.Encouraging respect for other people, their feelings, opinions, cultures, limitations and the right to their individuality 15.Encouraging respect for themselves through pride in their own achievement and that of others within the school, high standards of uniform and behaviour and the desire to produce their best work at all time 16.Encouraging respect for the environment through valuing their own, the school and other people’s property, the community and environment in which we live Code of Conduct 1. We respect each other. We do not bully, verbally or physically, nor discriminate against others. 2. We work in a positive way in lessons. 3. We are organised and work either silently or actively for the benefit of ourselves and others 4. We behave in a safe and sensible manner around school. 5. We are on time for school and for our lessons. 6. We respect and care for the property of the others and for the school environment. 7. We should wear our school uniform correctly. 8. We follow the lunch and break time rules. 9. We understand and follow the entrance rules. 10. We are aware of the Out of Bounds area and follow the rules. 11. We follow the premises and corridor rules 12. We understand that smoking and the possession of illegal substances is forbidden on the premises and on the way to and from school 13. We understand that bringing weapons on the premises will result in an exclusion – potentially a permanent exclusion We understand that if we are aware of a breach of the school’s Code of Conduct we are to inform a member of staff promptly. We understand that the Code of Conduct applies when participating in Educational Visits, Off-site Activities and on our way to and from school. We respect each other. We do not bully, verbally or physically, nor discriminate against others . • We speak to others politely, and behave thoughtfully, always considering the feelings of those around us. • We value everybody and listen sympathetically to the views of others. • We give other people space in times of conflict This means that we do not use swearing, aggressive, threatening or discriminatory offensive language. We do not tell lies or call other people names or spread rumours about people. If we behave in this way or we are violent towards others then this behaviour would break the school Code of Conduct.

We work in a positive way in lessons • We concentrate in lessons and listen to instructions, so that we can make the most of our learning time. • We set ourselves high expectations and high standards. • We know how to ask for help when necessary, but have the resilience to try. • We understand that if, given permission to leave the classroom during lesson time we must take a lesson pass with us. This means that we never refuse to work as hard as we can and that we show a positive attitude towards work and we do not disrupt the learning of others. Any such uncooperative or disruptive behaviour in class, will break the school Code of Conduct. We are organised and work as directed for the benefit of ourselves and others • We are well prepared at the start of every lesson for learning, and that we have all the necessary equipment with us. • We settle to work without delay, either alone or working sensibly and co-operatively in a group. • We allow others to work without disturbance This means that we follow directly the request of the person leading the lesson, we follow the correct procedure when asking a question and we do not distract others from the task in hand. We behave in a safe and sensible manner around school • We show consideration for the safety of others. As we move around the school we walk on the left. • We wait quietly to begin a lesson, and leave calmly and sensibly at the end of the lesson, when dismissed. • We take great care of others and consider the impact our behaviour has on those around us. • We understand that dangerous items including knives are not to be carried to and from school nor brought onto the school premises. This means that we will not tolerate behaviour which endangers others such as violence, play- fighting, water fights or throwing objects and possessing knives or other dangerous or illegal items. In addition, those supporting or complicit in having knowledge of other students who demonstrate this behaviour or possess these items would break the school Code of Conduct. The school reserves the right to involve the police if any dangerous or illegal items are brought to, or used, in school or on the way to and from school. This behaviour will result in an exclusion – potentially a permanent exclusion. We are on time for school and for our lessons • We leave plenty of time for the journey to school each morning. • We wait quietly outside the classroom on time. • We leave the playground, library, year rooms, dining hall etc. promptly after break and lunchtime. • We understand that any student arriving after registration must immediately attend and get registered in lesson 1 and after 8.30am they must sign in with the main School Reception. This means that not being organised and leaving home late, arriving to school after 8.30am or 12.55pm, or not responding to the school bell at the end of break and being late to lessons would break the school Code of Conduct.

We respect and care for the property of others and for the school environment. • We take great care of our belongings and of property belonging to others. We hand in lost items immediately. • We do not bring unnecessary personal devices or valuable items to school. We leave mobile phones in lockers during the school day or ensure they are switched off and put away. • We respect our environment by putting litter in the bins provided. • We keep the school building premises neat and tidy by only eating and drinking in the designated areas. • We use the toilets appropriately, taking into consideration health and hygiene matters, and leave them as we would like to find them Behaviour such as vandalism, throwing litter, damaging the work of others, chewing gum, dropping food, or defacing the school with graffiti, all show a lack of respect for the school environment and are therefore breaking the school Code of Conduct. We should wear our school uniform correctly • We arrive at school in the correct Regents Park uniform. • We must wear blazers but not coats when moving around the school unless permission for summer weather uniform rules has been given. • We understand that inappropriate behaviour whilst wearing the school uniform at anytime will result in a disciplinary procedure • We understand the need to present ourselves smartly in school. Extreme hair styles and colourings, body piercing and body art that is not based on religious or cultural grounds are not permitted in school. This means that behaviour such as wearing inappropriate jewellery, trainers or not adhering to the uniform code is breaking the school Code of Conduct. We follow the lunch and break time rules • We may not leave the school premises at any time during the morning or afternoon sessions. Only students who have appropriate permission may leave the premises at lunchtime to go home. • We must report any illness to the Student Reception before permission can be given to go home. Students should not directly inform their home. • We must obey all instructions of the Lunchtime Supervisors or staff on duty. • We should queue for lunch in single file and obey rules on priority years. • Hot food purchased in the dining hall must be eaten there. No ice cream/lollies may be brought into the school building. No food other than packed lunches or items purchased from the school caterers may be eaten on the premises. Chewing gum is not allowed at any time of day. This means that failure to comply with the above rules will break the school Code of Conduct. We understand and follow the entrance rules. • We use the Student Entrances and not the main foyer entrance unless directed to do so. • We understand that the student entrance through the dining hall is not to be used at any time during the school day as an exit. • We understand that climbing school fences or gates to enter or exit school is both unsafe and unacceptable. This means that not complying with these rules will break the school Code of Conduct.

We are aware of the Out of Bounds areas and follow the rules. • We understand the Cedar Lodge Park (Oakley Road) is OUT OF BOUNDS to all students at all times with the exception of using the path to cross it to and from school. • We understand that due to its dangerous position the bus stop in Romsey Road opposite the end of King Edward Avenue must not be used to catch a bus. • We understand that the cut though alley from Romsey Road is Out of Bounds This means not complying with these rules will break the school Code of Conduct. We follow the corridor and playground rules. • We do not run in corridors • We follow the one way system • We do not crowd in large groups anywhere. • We move around the school quietly and in an orderly manner keeping to the left on stairs and corridors. • To stay in their allocated year group area This means that not complying with the above rules will break the school Code of Conduct. We understand that Smoking and the use or possession of illegal substances is forbidden on the premises and on the way to and from school. • We understand smoking or the possession of cigarettes/e-cigarettes is a serious offence. Cigarette lighters, matches, must not be brought into school. • We understand that illegal substances must not be brought into school. • We understand that alcohol and hazardous substances that may cause harm must not be brought into school. This means being caught smoking or being with other students who are smoking, having lighters, matches and illegal or hazardous substances will break the school Code of Conduct and may lead to the school’s most serious sanction being implemented. The school reserves the right to involve the police in any situation involving illegal or hazardous substances in school or on the way to and from school. Early Intervention At Regents Park Community College we promote a positive behaviour ethos with early intervention forming the basis for effective relationships on which effective behaviour management is based. Acceptable behaviour such as respect and courtesy towards one another and a positive work ethic is celebrated using the Achievement Ladder. Unacceptable behaviour including name calling, verbal abuse, threatening language or behaviour, intimidation, physical abuse, harassment and bullying, including prejudice related bullying and cyber bullying is sanctioned in line with the Consequence Ladder and exclusion procedures. At Regents Park we acknowledge that sanctions are only effective if used proportionately, appropriately and consistently. Where generous approval is normally given, the withdrawal of approval/reward is a highly effective sanction for most students. At Regents Park we recognise that confrontation is not an effective way to solve a problem. When a problem occurs we believe in using restorative practice to rebuild and repair relationships following incidents.

At Regents Park the governing body are aware and support staff in their statutory authority to discipline students for misbehaviour which occurs in school and outside of school, as outlined in the statutory powers given to staff. The following policies and guidance are integral to the school’s Behaviour Principles : Anti – Bullying [please also refer to the full Anti-bullying Policy) It is essential that students can learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied or harassed. Bullying / harassment is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone: it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. At Regents Park we believe that only when all issues of bullying / harassment are addressed will students be able to fully benefit from the opportunities available within the school. Bullying is defined as deliberate hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. All staff and students must use effective actions to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying and harassment. This includes cyber-bullying and prejudice based bullying / harassment related to special educational need, sexual orientation, sex, race, religion and belief, gender reassignment or disability. Attendance/Punctuality [please also refer to the full Attendance Policy] At Regents Park we seek to encourage all students to attend regularly so that they will be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available. It is essential that: ▪ Students are registered accurately and efficiently in registration within 10 minutes of each period ▪ Attendance targets are set for individual students ▪ Work is planned to support students returning from an absence ▪ Punctuality is expected for all lessons and lateness is followed up by the classroom teacher [lessons] / Tutor [tutor time] Safeguarding [please refer to the full Child Protection Policy] All members of staff must consider whether the behaviour of student under review gives cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm. A young person’s safety and welfare are paramount when considering whether the Code of Conduct has been breached and the most appropriate course of action to be followed, including sanctions. Special Educational Needs [please refer to the full Inclusion & SEN Policy] Sanctions put in place for disabled students and those with special educational needs with must not be in breach of any other legislation [i.e. in respect of the Equalities Act in relation to a student’s disability, race, gender and other equalities and human rights including an unmet special educational need]. In all the circumstances sanctions must be reasonable. All procedures and practices must review whether continuing disruptive behaviour is a result of unmet educational or other need. Reasonable Force / Physical Restrain t [please refer to the full Physical Intervention Policy together with the Child Protection Policy] The first priority is for staff to not place other children and themselves in a vulnerable position with a child. All members of staff have the power to use reasonable force. However, this must be used only as the last resort. Reasonable force must be proportionate to the outcome it is intended to prevent. For it to be used appropriately, it must be necessary to prevent a student from doing, or continuing to do, any of the following:

▪ placing a student or member of staff at risk of serious physical harm ▪ committing a criminal offence ▪ causing significant damage to property which could place staff or students at risk of serious physical harm ▪ causing disorder which could result in serious harm to the safety of students or staff The decision on whether to physically intervene is down to the professional judgement of the staff member concerned and should always depend on the individual circumstances. If you physically intervene you must ensure that you complete a written statement of the physical by the end of the same school day as the incident. This must be passed to the Headteacher, or member of the Leadership team assigned to deal with the incident. Contact with the parent will then be arranged by the member of the Leadership team allocated to the incident Only authorised members of staff may use physical restraint. If you physically restrain a student you must complete a Physical Restraint record form immediately after the incident and pass the completed form to the Headteacher, or member of the Leadership team assigned to deal with the incident. Contact with the student’s parent will be arranged by the member of the Leadership Team allocated to the incident All members of staff are aware that it is unlawful to use force as a punishment. Power to search students and confiscate items The general statutory power to discipline enables a member of staff to confiscate, or retain, a student’s property. All confiscated items must be placed in a clearly labelled envelope that includes the student’s name, year, tutor group, date of confiscation, member of staff and instructions for collection. The envelope containing the confiscated item must be passed to a member of staff at the school’s reception desk and logged. All confiscated items must be logged in the record book and stored in secure area. In addition to the general power to use reasonable force the Headteacher and authorised staff can use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances to conduct a search for prohibited items such as: knives, weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic images and any other item that has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence. Legislation linked to: ▪ Education Act 1996 ▪ School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ▪ Education Act 2002 ▪ Education and Inspections Act 2006 ▪ Education Act 2011 Other references: ▪ Department for Education 2012 – Use of reasonable force. Advice for Headteachers, staff and governing bodies ▪ Department for Education 2012 – Behaviours and discipline in schools. A guide for Headteachers and school staff ▪ Ofsted - School Inspection Handbook – September 2016

Code of Conduct

● We respect each other. We do not bully, verbally or physically, nor discriminate against others ● We work in a positive way in lessons ● We are organised and work either silently or actively for the benefit of ourselves and others ● We behave in a safe and sensible manner around school and in our community ● We are on time for school and for our lessons ● We respect and care for the property of the others and for the school environment ● We should wear our correct school uniform proudly knowing we represent the school ● We follow the lunch and break time rules ● We follow the premises and corridor rules, walking safely on the left following the one way system ● We understand that smoking (including e-cigarettes), the possession of illegal substances or alcohol is forbidden on the premises and on the way to and from school ● We understand that the possession of an offensive weapon, or an item that could be perceived as an offensive weapon, is forbidden on the premises and on the way to and from school We understand that: ● if we are aware of a breach of the school’s Code of Conduct we are to inform a member of staff promptly ● a breach of the code of conduct will result in a sanction and in the case of a serious breach will result in an internal exclusion, fixed term external exclusion or potentially a permanent exclusion ● the Code of Conduct applies when participating in Educational Visits, Off-site Activities and on our way to and from school


Regents Park Community College

Behaviour Policy & Procedures

Policy updated: July 2021 Policy ratified at Governors Meeting: July 2021 Policy signed by: Chair of Governors Policy to be reviewed: July 2022 Statutory

The behaviour policy and procedures are the operational guidelines for the implementation of the Behaviour Principles and the Code of Conduct

All staff have a duty of care to maintain good order and safeguard children’s’ safety and well-being. Members of staff are responsible for applying the Consequence Ladder to encourage behaviour in line with the school’s Code of Conduct. Staff members are expected to make every effort to solve any discipline problems themselves as they arise in line with the Consequence Ladder. The option of referral to serious sanctions should not be taken too quickly and not prior to each stage of the Consequence Ladder being adhered to. It is recognised that in certain circumstances a referral to a Curriculum Leader and/or a Head of Year may be necessary and staff should not hesitate to ask for guidance and assistance from senior colleagues. We recognise that any members of staff, including experienced and/or senior staff, can need assistance and advice in particular situations or circumstances as they arise. Staff members are encouraged to recognise that asking for such advice and guidance is not a sign of weakness. All members of staff should work together to apply the policy consistently. Responsibilities for Actions to Promote Positive Behaviour Students’ responsibilities are to:  develop the RPCC ethos of Green and Proud  follow the school’s Code of Conduct  follow the school’s dress code by wearing the correct uniform  sign and follow the Home School Agreement form  actively seek rewards  keep all certificates in a safe place  be proud of achievements  behave appropriately and show respect for your teachers, support staff and other students  let a member of staff know if they have a problem at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner  attend school every day and be punctual to school and lessons  be prepared for lessons with a positive attitude and with appropriate equipment for learning  complete all work to the best of their ability making the most of the learning opportunities

 promptly take their seat in accordance with the seating plan  take pride in representing RPCC in the wider community  to embrace opportunities for creativity and challenge  report any safeguarding issue to a member of staff

 To follow the one-way system  To stay in their allocated year group area

Parents’ responsibilities are to: Parents play a key role in encouraging good behaviour by supporting the school with the Code of Conduct  sign the Home School Agreement and ensure it is rigorously followed  encourage their child to seek rewards, creative opportunities and challenges and celebrate achievements  be proud of their child’s achievements  encourage their child to behave appropriately at all times, both in school and in the wider community including on the and from school  ensure that their child attends school every day and is on time  make sure that their child wears the correct uniform as is presentable for school in line with the school dress code and that they have the correct equipment for learning  read and respond to all letters and telephone calls from the school  attend all parents’ evenings to support their child  actively support the school’s sanctions e.g. detentions, reports etc  use appropriate means to communicate with staff as necessary  report any safeguarding issue to a member of RPCC staff Class Teachers’ responsibilities are to:  issue rewards / Post Cards appropriately  pass to Curriculum Leaders the names of students who are to be awarded Subject Awards  refer students to Curriculum Leaders or senior leaders for praise  use the Consequence Ladder, as appropriate  expect and encourage the highest standards of behaviour in the classroom and around the school  make expectations clear when asking students to follow instructions  remain calm and avoid confrontational behaviour with students  plan and mark work that is challenging, stimulating and appropriate for individuals’ needs  monitor uniform standards within their classroom and around the school  offer effective means of communication with home  deal with attendance and punctuality to school and lessons  provide appropriate study support and intervention when students are working below expectation  deal with manners and inappropriate language in the classroom including discriminatory language  support the code of conduct including enforcing the rules on mobile phones and other electronic devices  report any safeguarding issues to the DSL and safeguarding team

Curriculum Leaders’ responsibilities are to:  encourage their department to issue Rewards / Post Cards  present subject award certificates  encourage positivity in lessons  discuss the Presentation Awards nomination with department  pass names to senior leaders and the Headteacher for Commendation  promote and use the Achievement Ladder to the full, including ‘Students of the week/fortnight/month’  develop effective support for students and staff within their curriculum area  set high expectations of staff and students linked to progress, respectful behaviour and attitude to learning  follow up incidents with rigour  analyse data to plan effective interventions  report any safeguarding issues to the DSL and safeguarding team Tutors’ responsibilities are to:  implement a fair system of appointing School Council representatives  share attendance data with students and work with students and families to improve attendance which is below expectations  bring to the attention of the Head of Year those students who deserve particular recognition  encourage students to keep all certificates and achievements  use the Consequence Ladder  Implement the code of conduct, anti-bullying ladder, school dress code and the home school agreement  to record all telephone calls, emails and meetings with parents and pass to Year Team for holding on the student’s file  report any safeguarding issues to the DSL and safeguarding team Head of Years’ responsibilities are to:  share attendance data and the colour coding system and work with students and families to improve attendance which is below expectations  keep up -to -date record of rewards  display individual, group, year, Head of Year and school achievements  issue attendance certificates  pass names to senior leaders and the Headteacher for Commendations  monitor behaviour records and plan interventions to support learning  collaborate with the Tutors to support student progress  work with outside agencies and groups to offer students extended opportunities for learning and to plan additional support  lead the Year Group with rigour to ensure high standards of uniform, respect and behaviour  record all telephone calls, emails and meetings with parents and pass to Head of Year Support for recording in the student’s file  report any safeguarding issues to the DSL and safeguarding team

Leadership Team’s responsibilities are to:  promote, recruit and select prefects against published criteria  use the Achievement Ladder to the full  display names of students who receive an Award at Presentation Ceremony  support the Head of Year and Curriculum Leaders in managing their responsibilities for students and families.  report any safeguarding issues to the DSL and / or Headteacher Headteacher’s responsibilities are to:  select Senior Student Leadership Team members using a fair process  present Prefect and Senior Student Leadership Team  present certificates in assembly, as invited  present student badges in assembly, as invited

Regents Park Rewards include: Rewards: Class Teachers’ Responsibilities  Verbal praise  Post Card / Letter home  Phone call to parents  Refer to Curriculum Leader for praise  Use of the Curriculum Area reward board  Caught being Good raffle tickets Rewards: Curriculum Leaders’ Responsibilities  Verbal praise to students in subject area  Communication to parents inc Post Cards  Subject Commendation  Parental interview  Student interview

 Curriculum Leader Commendation  Student of the Week/Month/Year  Interview with student  Award Assemblies nominations  Subject specific awards (P.E., Music etc.)  To refer students to Head of Year for praise in assembly  Recommendation for Headteacher Commendations and/or Tea  Consideration for subject responsibility/student leadership opportunities  Selection for subject representation at meetings or school events Rewards: Tutors’ Responsibilities  Verbal praise  Post Card / Letter home

 Phone call home  Parental interview

 Interview with Year Team and student  College Council/Prefect representatives  Attendance charts

Rewards: Leadership Team’s Responsibilities  Verbal praise to Students presented by Head of Year or Curriculum Leaders  Post Card / Letter home

 Phone call home  Parental interview  Student interview  Student interview with progress tutor/subject teacher  To oversee the selection process for prefects  College Council badge

 Annual Awards Ceremony  Presentation Ceremony

 Presentation of certificates at assemblies  Respect, Pride, Creativity, Challenge Badges Rewards: Headteacher’s Responsibilities  Selection process for the Leadership Team  The Headteacher’s Commendation  Presentation of Awards at the Annual Award Assemblies and Presentation Evening Rewards: Governing Body’s Responsibilities  Final selection for the Leadership Team posts  Attendance at Annual Award Assemblies and Presentation Ceremony [previous Year 11] Regents Park Sanctions include [all of which are given to members of staff under current legislation]: Sanctions: Class Teachers’ Responsibilities  Names on board  Use of warnings  Moving student to another seat  Re-doing work to an acceptable standard  Asking students to return at another point in the school day/end of the day for reflection time  Referring to Curriculum Leader  Phone call to parents  Student removed to another group in discussion with Curriculum Leader and in line with the Curriculum area On Call system  Enlisting support of another colleague or Curriculum Leader  Use of restorative practice if both parties feel this can improve things following incidents  Facilitate parental interview  Class teacher detention  Details of incident recorded on the Behaviour management system on the day  Verbal Reprimand  Liaise with the tutor  Presentation of student badges/certificates in assemblies  Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows – Headteacher’s Tea

Other relevant forms to be completed as necessary e.g. Incident form, bullying form, racial incident form and passed to Leadership Team link by the end of the day of the incident. Sanctions: Curriculum Leaders’ Responsibilities  Verbal Reprimand  Telephone communication with parents logged in Curriculum area’s Behaviour log after consultation with classroom teacher (and should only be for persistent repeat issues)  Letter to parents with copy saved in Curriculum area’s Behaviour log and a further copy sent to Head of Year for the student’s main file  Planned withdrawal from class for a fixed period to work within another teacher in line with the Curriculum On call system  To monitor the Curriculum area Behaviour log including the use of On Call, department reports, telephone calls, detentions, letters/email to parents.  Curriculum planning reviews, to ensure the curriculum fulfils its purpose and student’s needs Sanctions: Tutors’ Responsibilities  Verbal Reprimand  Use of warnings  Letter home  Phone call to parents and logged  Progress Tutor detention  Parental interview  Liaise with Year Team and student  Use of restorative practice  On ‘report’ to Tutor  Students reporting at a point in the school day/end of school day  Community service  Liaise with teaching and support staff  Curriculum Leader to oversee Subject specific report  Facilitate restorative practice where this is appropriate  Facilitate Subject Detention  Interview with student, class teacher and parents if appropriate

Sanctions: Year Leader’s Responsibilities  Verbal Reprimand  Letter home  Phone call home and logged  Parental interview  Use of Restorative Practice

 Student interview with Tutor/subject teacher  Community service  On ‘Report’ to Head of Year

 Present case to Leadership Team to use Internal Exclusion  Present case to Leadership Team to use School Detention  Presentation of case to Leadership Team link for disciplinary meeting with Leadership Team member  Prepare case to present to Leadership Team link for consideration of exclusion  Update student files (including email communication) Sanctions: Leadership Team’s Responsibilities  Verbal Reprimand  Letter home  Phone call home and logged  Parental interview  Student interview  Use of restorative practice  Student interview with Tutor / Subject teacher  Sanctioning School Detention  Community service  Support CLs with sanctions  Withdrawal from class to work with Leadership Team /Senior staff member  Sanctioning Internal Exclusion  On ‘Report’ to Leadership Team member  Present case to Headteacher for consideration of external exclusion Sanctions: Headteacher's Responsibilities  Discipline meeting with student and Head of Year / Leadership Team member  External Exclusion  Referral to SCC Student Support Services  Arrange involvement of SCC Permanent Exclusion Officer  Presentation to Governing Body Student Disciplinary Committee Sanctions: Governing Body’s Responsibilities  Monitor and review of exclusion data  Monitor and review harassment / bullying data  To establish a Permanent Exclusion panel  Have a duty to make arrangements to ensure that the school safeguards and promotes the welfare of students  To have a written statement of Behaviour Principles including a Code of Conduct for students  To ensure the schools has a Behaviour Policy that is up to date

Equality Impact Statement The Governing Body, Headteacher and staff will do all they can to ensure that this policy does not discriminate, directly or indirectly through at least annual monitoring and evaluation of the policy’s implementation. The Governing Body, Headteacher and staff will ensure that there is no differential application of this policy on any grounds linked to the protected characteristics as defined by the Equalities Act 2010. As a result, the policy will be amended as required to ensure its adherence to the Equalities Act 2010.

Regents Park Community College

Uniform Policy

Policy updated: 20.05.2020 Policy ratified at: 20.05.2020 Policy signed by: Mr M Warder Policy to be reviewed: 20.05.2021

Regents Park Community College uniform policy promotes our ‘ Green’ a nd ‘Proud’ ethos, The aim of the policy is to: • encourage a sense of equality to reduce unkind behaviour amongst students • help students feel connected to the school and feel a sense of pride • help students to feel safe • help prepare students for the world of work and to raise their aspirations • Improve behaviour and reduce distractions This is so that the all areas of the school environment are safe and happy. This also enables progress and attainment to be improved across the school. The agreed uniform is affordable, comfortable, smart and practical. Cost is also carefully considered in deciding on uniform design and uniform suppliers, and we review the contract arrangements with our supplier regularly so that parents continue to get value for money. We have tried to ensure that everything required is simple and hardwearing. In order to assist with lost property, please ensure the students name is located on each item of their uniform. A ll of our uniform with our required logo can be purchased from Skoolkit online, at their shop in Totton or at KoolSkool in Shirley . Please note that some parents may be eligible for a grant towards ‘School Uniform’. Uniform grant forms for Year 7 and Year 9 students are available from school reception. A full detailed list of uniform requirements and prices is readily available on our website or at reception. The other items listed on our dress code can be purchased from most main retailers. Dress Code All students are required to wear: Plain black formal school shoes (with no logos, other colours or contrasting soles) and they must be polishable. Laces must be entirely black. Trainers of any kind are not permitted. Plimsolls will be issued by the school, should the student arrive in unsuitable footwear. School trousers Full-length plain black, grey or navy smart/tailored trousers (not tight-fitting, lycra, leather or denim and not leggings or any kind). Any student whose trousers do not adhere to the uniform policy, will be isolated internally until the uniform issue is rectified. School skirts A smart plain black, grey or navy pleated or a-line skirt. Pencil skirts must be no more that 10cms above the knee. This must not be a lycra tight fitted tube skirt. Any student whose skirt does not adhere to the uniform policy, will be isolated internally until the uniform issue is rectified. • A blue blazer bearing the school logo. • Our green school shirt (not a polo shirt). School Shoes

Plain tights or ankle socks (navy, black, grey or white) are to be worn with a skirt, knee high socks are not permitted. School Jumper An optional navy blue school jumper is also available to be purchased, this can be purchased with or without the school logo. This should not be worn instead of the school blazer, more as an additional layer for warmth. Plain black or grey jumpers may also be worn under the blazer (only the school logo is permitted and if a student has any other logo on their jumpers they will be asked to remove them, please note

hooded tops are not permitted at anytime) PE/Sports – only available from Skoolkit Compulsory RPCC logo polo shirt (green/blue) Optional RPCC logo shorts/training trousers Optional – RPCC logo ¼ zip sweatshirt Optional – RPCC BTEC Sport polo shirt (for BTEC Sport students only) PE/Sports – available from any main retailer Black or navy shorts/training trousers or performance leggings

Swim shorts/one piece swimsuit Trainers – non marking soles

Optional – blue/black base layer or non hooded sweatshirt Football boots without metal studs for use on All Weather Pitch Summer Uniform Black or grey tailored shorts may also be worn. These must not be casual or sportswear and must be of an appropriate length. School Bag All students must have a suitable school bag that can carry books and pencil case. Stationery All students must have a minimum of two pens, a pencil, a ruler, a rubber and a pencil sharpener and a scientific calculator. Jewellery Students are permitted to wear: • One small pair of discreet stud earrings may be worn • A watch (Smart watches are not advisable due to the cost, distraction and their breach of exam rules, please note expensive items such as smart watches may be required to be removed for practical lessons and the school cannot accept responsibility for such items) • One discreet nose piercing is allowed but for health and safety reasons only a small stud is permissible any hoops will need to be removed, however all other body and facial piercings (including additional ear piercings, lip, nose and tongue piercings) are not permitted. • Necklaces, bracelets, bangles, sweatbands are not permitted and will need to be removed. • All jewellery (including watches unless authorised by the teacher) must be removed for practical and PE/Sports activities

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