2. Teaching & Learning
What Makes Great Teaching @ RPCC?
Teaching & Learning strategies are used to ensure that teach ing is relevant & purposeful . The curriculum in each sub ject builds on students’ prior knowledge towards clearly defined end points. Time is managed expertly and progr
Teachers have high expectations of students. Lessons are appropriately challenging – they foster curiosity & inspire creativity.
Behaviour for Learning is well managed so that
students can focus on being active learners.
is effectively reviewed.
Assessment is used to progress learning. A range of feedback strategies is used which students act upon to make or exceed expected progress linked to their individual progress pathways.
Questioning is used to develop thinking . Open questions are planned to deepen understanding and nurture independent thinking.
Teachers have excellent subject knowledge . Research is key to the development of Pedagogy and teachers develop strategies in line with current & relevant educational research.
Teachers make a positive contribution to school life and promote the school’s Ethos : Respect Pride Creativity Ch They demonstrate a range o f personal qualities & skills: h creativity, reflection & exce communication skills. Teac actively promote the import ance of our students’ Cultural Capital. hers llent
Teachers know the students in front of them. The needs of different groups of students are planned for so that they can all achieve great outcomes.
High standards in Literacy & Numeracy are promoted by all teachers.
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