2. Teaching & Learning
COVER GUIDELINES • Except in exceptional circumstances, the maximum number of staff out on any one day is three . Visits/trips that require three or more members of staff are exempt from this. • Trips are organised in Evolve by teaching staff. The Finance & Business Support team are responsible for the administration of the trip. Leave of absences (LOAs) need to be submitted at least four weeks prior to the trip (please see trip policy). Wherever possible, support staff should be used to reduce the impact of teaching staff being out of lessons. • LOA requests should be handed into the Headteacher in good time and at least one week in advance. Teaching staff should also record which classes require cover. LOAs should be signed off by the LT Line Manager with the exception of medical/confidential requests. The Headteacher will monitor that there are no cover clashes when deciding whether to approve LOA requests. The Headteacher will notify teachers when the cover limit has been reached. Where possible, please do not use your on call time to attend a meeting as these are very difficult to cover, or if possible, swap with another member of staff. • The CPD lead will consider cover implications when agreeing to CPD. In general, the CPD lead will ensure that CPD does not clash with days when three teachers are already booked out. • For all planned absences, teachers must set appropriate cover work using the ‘Cover Work’ templates see attached Appendix 1 There needs to be enough work to last whole lesson, stating where books and equipment is kept. Seating plans will either need to be printed and left on the desk or advised where they are kept. • Support from CL or department may be required if there is no cover work left by the absent teacher. • External supply will be loaned a laptop, however IT Services and CLs may need to support with logging onto SIMs and the school network. • Cover work should be sent to: coverwork@rpcc.onmicrosoft.com • Cover should never be requested through cover supervisors directly • Cover Manager should be informed if staff return to work earlier than expected from meetings/appointments. • The Business Manager will publish guidelines to staff of when they can reasonably be used according to union guideline and Standard Teachers Pay & Conditions (STPD). ’66 Teachers should only be required to provide cover rarely, in circumstances which are not foreseeable. (This does not apply to teacherswho are employed wholly or mainly for the purpose of providing such cover.)’ • Regents Park Community College allocates M&L slots in addition to PPA time. This is at the discretion and direction of the Headteacher. ‘Directed’ time is allocated if a teacher is under their specified teaching contract time and therefore may be redirected and used for cover. These are: Teacher Terms & Conditions Document:
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