1. General Information

carried out to ensure that individuals are not disqualified under the Childcare Disqualification Regulations 2018. 249. Further information on the staff to whom these Regulations apply, the checks that should be carried out, and the recording of those checks can be found in Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 statutory guidance on GOV.UK.

Recording information Single central record

250. Schools and colleges must 79 maintain a single central record of pre-appointment checks, referred to in the Regulations 80 as the register and more commonly known as the single central record. 251. The single central record must cover the following people: • for schools, all staff, including teacher trainees on salaried routes (see paragraph 278), agency and third-party supply staff, even if they work for one day, (see paragraph 251); • for colleges, details of staff, including agency and supply staff providing education to children under the age of 18; and • for independent schools, all members of the proprietor body. In the case of academies and free schools, this means the members and trustees of the academy trust. 252. Paragraph 253 below sets out the minimum information that must be recorded in respect of staff members (including teacher trainees on salaried routes). For agency and third party supply staff, schools and colleges must include whether written confirmation has been received that the employment business supplying the member of supply staff has carried out the relevant checks and obtained the appropriate

79 16-19 Academies, Special Post-16 institutions and Independent Training Providers should maintain a single central record. Information they should record is set out at paragraphs 251-255. As with other schools and colleges they may record the information as set out at paragraphs 255-256. 80 Regulations 12(7) and 24(7) and Schedule 2 to the School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 and the School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 (applied to pupil referral units through the Education (Pupil Referral Units) (Application of Enactments) (England) Regulations 2007); Part 4 of the Schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014; Regulations 20-25 and the Schedule to the Further Education (Providers of Education) (England) Regulations 2006; and Regulation 3 and paragraph 7 of Part 1 and paragraph 18 of Part 2 of the Schedule to the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015.


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