Regents Review Spring '18

The Regents Review Spring 2018


French Idiom

Carnival Competition The Modern Foreign Languages team invited students to come and take part in a competition to design Carnival masks. In the United Kingdom, the start of Lent is preceded by Shrove Tuesday or “Pancake Day”, however in many countries around the world, this is marked by Carnival. There are many famous Carnival events such as the Rio Carnival, and also in Nice, France. These are often events with processions, frequently with very flamboyant outfits. Sometimes, the Carnival processions can have a political message. The word “Carnival” is thought to have come from the latin “carne levare” which means “farewell to meat” in readiness of fasting. At Regents Park, we invited students to design Carnival masks during the week before the half term break. Mrs Cosford and Mr Pine judged the masks and were unanimous in awarding first place to Kim Kudzia in Year 7, whose mask demonstrated a Carnival – Animé fusion! A big well done to all those students who took part! Forthcoming events Year 11 final Speaking exams – these are taking place on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th April. Mrs Loubier will inform students of their exam times. Boulogne – 22nd June – Letters have recently gone out to Year 7 parents for this trip. We have run this trip annually since 2014 and it involves some challenges in French and English for students to complete. Please see one of the Modern Languages team for a letter if you are interested as there a few spaces left.

French Joke

Madrid – Miss Kingswell is taking students to Madrid in October.


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