The Regents Review - Winter 2015
The Regents Review Winter 2015
Departmental News
ICT and Technology New projects in KS3 This term has been an exciting one in Design Technology as students have been trialling some new projects as part of their rotations: • Year 7 have been developing their graphics skills designing new card games using a combination of ICT and hand skills; • Year 8 are experimenting with different techniques in Textiles to create patchwork items. Another new project has students testing their cutting and folding skills by creating pop up books for stories they have created; • Year 9 have been testing their practical hand skills by working with woods and creating ball based games. These have been inspired by games such as pinball and bagatelle. All these new projects have been very well received by students and we always appreciate any student feedback about how they feel regarding these changes. Year 11 controlled assessment Students who opted for Resistant Materials and Catering courses are fast approaching the end of their controlled assessment. Upon completion of this, exam preparations will dominate lessons as the final countdown begins. From January, Resistant Materials will be focusing on exam revision and technique; any time needed to modify coursework will take place after school on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Catering coursework will continue with deadlines as follows: Selecting Dishes Friday 15th January 2016 Making Friday 5th February 2016 Evaluation Friday 11th March 2016 Trends in Technology! In the second half of this autumn term, students in Year 9 have been researching and developing their awareness of how technology has changed and impacted our lives. Many students are still befuddled by the idea that many people of an older generation grew up without daily contact with computers and phones. Do you still have an old phone from the 1990s or 2000s collecting dust in a drawer? The ICT Department would love to collect any old disused phones to help show students how they have developed in size and appearance. If you have a phone you wish to donate please make sure that any SIM card is removed, and personal details removed. The phones will not be turned on and will be used for display only.
Get ready for Christmas Please see a selection of tasty Christmas recipes that you may want to try at home for the forthcoming holidays. A great way to practice skills from your Food Technology lessons in school.
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