Regents Review Winter 2020

The Regents Review Winter 2020



Year 9 media studies students have endeavoured to demonstrate all of the foundation skills and media language knowledge in their first go at some practical work. They are creating a theatrical poster and DVD front and back cover for a thriller film of their creation.

English & Media Our Year 7 students were #greenandproud to receive their certificates and green pens for passing their peer assessment exams. Happy faces!

Rewards in English and Media To start this academic year properly, we thought

Live Lessons This autumn the English department have mastered a mind-boggling array of new skills and embraced a wide range of new technologies in order to support the learning of students who have been at home isolating. During the week beginning 7th December alone, the team delivered no fewer than 39 live lessons in a variety of formats! English teachers have used Loom videos, Google Meets for live lessons, PowerPoint presentations with sound and video recordings, and an assortment of methods to engage students with quizzes and interactive content. Our aim has been to make sure that any students who are isolating can continue their educational progress in line with their classmates in school – and even though they are at home, not feel as if they are on their own! The feedback from students accessing lessons from home has so far been overwhelmingly positive. We look forward to a time when students isolating is a thing of the past – but know that the new skills and knowledge we have developed will help to improve the way English is taught to all students at Regents Park.

we ought to be making a bigger deal out of our students! This term, we have pushed our ‘Student of the Fortnight’ certificates and posters in both English and Media. The student names are tweeted and displayed on posters on their teacher’s

door. They are then given a big round of applause, a raffle ticket and a certificate. The raffle ticket then goes into the draw. The first ticket was awarded on 17th December and we’ve got three massive boxes of Lindor to give away! Miss Fison and Miss Smith have also been trying out other ways to reward students. Both teachers have a ‘Superstars’ board in their room, and are encouraging students to earn more raffle tickets for their own class draw! Both Miss Fison and Miss Smith are becoming quite competitive about how many tickets their classes can earn…


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