Regents Review Winter 2020

The Regents Review Winter 2020


Christmas Trolley Once again, Regents Park promoted the Christmas trolley. We would like to thank everyone who has helped support this.

Armistice Day On the eleventh hour of Wednesday 11th November, staff and students observed a two minute silence. Once again, Mr Barron played the ‘Last Post’ to mark the occasion. A group of students came to school dressed in their Cadet uniforms and took on the role of selling poppies throughout the day to support ‘The Royal British Legion’.

EU Settlement Scheme & You When the Brexit transition period ends on 31 December this year, the Government will start to roll out a new immigration system. This means that EU citizens and their family members (who right now exercise rights to live and work in the UK under EU law) need to obtain permission to stay in the UK. If you or any of your family are EU, EEA or Swiss nationals you will need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme. Any person who misses the deadline on 30 June 2021 and stays in the UK will be here unlawfully, with no right to work or access public funds. If in doubt – check it out: status-eu-citizens-families

Library Book requests

We will leave the requested books in reception for collection. All RPCC students are also able to access 1,088 free digital books from home by going to: is a website for all Year 7 & 8 students. Please ask the librarians or your English teacher for your login and password details. • Choose an Avatar, build your interests profile and show us how much you’ve been reading at home. • Use the Bingo card to the left to challenge yourself to read a variety of books.

If you wish to borrow any books from our library, please use this email address to place your order: libraryclickandcollect@ This is for use by students/ parents to request books for students who are ill or isolating.


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