Regents Review Winter 2019
The Regents Review Winter 2019
ICT Computer
assessment) which will cover 20 hours of programming and skills using Python and have been practicing the skills for it during this half term. Year 9 have had a good start to their GCSEs and have been looking at system architecture and algorithms. After school intervention for Year 11 will take place on Thursdays after school in room 21.
Science – KS4 Year 11 have been preparing for their mock exams, after school revision will start in the new year in preparation for their GCSE exams. They will help them to develop their core knowledge to support them with their final exam in May. Year 10 will start their NEA (non-exam
iMedia – KS4 iMedia students undertake 3 controlled assessments covering different topics within IT. Year 11 students have now started their third and final controlled assessment which is creating a website for a travel blogger. After school sessions are taking place for those needing to improve their previous piece of work. Year 10 have completed their first controlled assessment which was to produce a science fiction book cover using photo editing skills. They are now beginning to research and plan their second controlled assessment which will be a website promoting Southampton to tourists and visitors. Year 9 have focussed on key skills and exam topics to prepare them for the assessment process. They have just started their first controlled assessment on book covers. After school intervention for all years takes place on Wednesday and Thursday after school in rooms 5 & 6.
KS3 IT Our new Year 7 groups have been exploring both the hardware and software that a computer uses, specifically the components and peripherals that make them up and how they are classified. They are now using a range of skills with software creating different office based tasks. Year 8 have developed their knowledge from last year about the hardware in a computer and making decisions about how to construct an appropriate computer, how much ram, what processor speed etc. They are now making progress with their website skills producing a microsite on the topic of e-safety.
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