Regents Review Winter '18
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Thorpe Park Visit At the start of this academic year the science team had the pleasure of taking a large proportion of Year 10 to Thorpe Park. Students learned about the amazing roller coasters, how they are designed, the energy transfers that take place during the rides and the forces that act on the carriage. Students then got to apply their knowledge by braving the roller coasters themselves. Mr Moth’s personal favourite was The Swarm and Mrs Griffiths enjoyed the pizza buffet. A huge thank you to Miss S Cooper for arranging the day.
Regents Park Science Department Needs You! Mr Grainey has launched the Christmas Tassomai Challenge. We hope the students at Regents Park Community College get behind this and get some national recognition for their amazing effort in completing their daily goal on Tassomai. Remember you should aim to complete your daily goal every day, six days a week, as this is the best way to increase your percentage to the desired 80% by the end of Year 11. Tassomai is a self-quizzing programme that can be used either on the Tassomai website or in the Tassomai app which helps students to revise key concepts. You simply log on and complete 10 minutes’ worth of quizzes each day. This programme has evidence to support a huge impact on student attaining pass grades or higher, claiming that 95% of students who regularly used Tassomai will achieve a grade 5 or above, with 56% of these getting a grade 7 or higher! The software tailors the questions given to students to address gaps in understanding.
Winchester Science Centre Mr Grainey arranged for many of our Year 8 students to attend Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium. Students who went on the trip enjoyed a hands on experience with the Science Technology, Engineering and Maths exhibits, sparking their imagination and interest on STEM related careers for the future. The trip gave students a brilliant opportunity to take their learning from beyond the classroom.
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