Regents Review Winter '18
The Regents Review Winter 2018
Parkrun Parkrun is 5K walk/run on Southampton Common at 9.00am every Saturday. Anyone is welcome whatever their ability as shown in this photo. The staff runners are doing their best to encourage the students. They will need to do a lot of training before they catch Miss Cannon or Mr Selfe! Mr and Mrs Keenan run nice and slowly just in case anyone needs any motivation. Numeracy Ninjas
“Numeracy Ninja’s is about practicing our mental strategies, timetables and key skills. We are timed for 5 minutes and once our time is over, we mark our answers. This fun numeracy activity is out of 30 marks. Also, as we are all ninja’s, we get a coloured belt for our score. If you get a black belt a lot of times (which is 30/30 marks) you will become a Grand Master. For this you receive a certificate. I am writing this because I have a been a black belt, and therefore, a Grand Master consistently in this fun, competitive activity.” Manipol Roath
Year 7 Cheddar Challenge
Well done to Rohan Whybrew and Alfie Foot who have guessed correctly in the mathematical Cheddar Challenge!
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