Regents Review Summer 21-22
The Regents Review Summer 2022
Scallops Press Release 2022
Primary School Swimming
Over the past few weeks, Mr Ellis, Regents Park swimming instructor, has been delivering swimming lessons to primary school students. Some Wordsworth Primary School students have decided to kindly create thank you posters for Mr Ellis for his help.
Regents Park have excitedly taken delivery of 2kg of Scottish scallops that have been kindly donated and organised by the Food Teacher’s Centre Fish In Schools Hero programme, which aims to ensure that every child gets a chance to prepare, cook and eat fish before they leave school. Regents Park were one of only 50 schools to be given them. More to follow on how our KS4 students are going to cook them.
Womens Euro Day We were very excited to announce that on Monday 11th July (Women’s Euro Day), Regents Park was chosen to have the trophy in school between periods 3 and 6. All students were given the opportunity to come and see the trophy and take photos. This was an amazing and exciting opportunity for our students!
Early Bird Open Sessions
It was lovely to see parents of Year 4 & 5 students visit our school as part of our ‘early bird open sessions’ in July. This was an opportunity for parents to come along with their child to see what RPCC has to offer! If you had missed this event and you would like to come and have a look at our school, please contact us via email: info@regentspark.
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