Regents Review Summer 21-22
The Regents Review Summer 2022
Maths Mastery The Regents Park maths department have been working to develop mastery throughout lessons. Mastery is a teaching method that originates in Shanghai and works towards all students having a deeper understanding of maths. This is achieved in a variety of ways, including using pictorial representations, varying the questions used and concentrating on reasoning and problem solving skills. As part of our mastery development, we work collaboratively to create well thought out questioning processes, such as the series of questions below. These start with fluency, which is important for embedding the new skill. These questions are sequenced to highlight key parts of the process, in this case, several of the answers are the same and students are prompted to explain why this is. After fluency, the questioning changes to reasoning skills, followed by problem solving.
Further Maths The maths team have been developing a plan to welcome current Year 9s to the further maths group alongside the Year 10s! We look forward to stretching and challenging more students next year! Here is a taster of the current type of questions the group are working on:
Can you solve our puzzle?
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