Regents Review - Summer 2023
The Regents Review Summer 2023
Artsmark Gold Award Regents Park Community College has gained Artsmark GOLD again! “The arts continue to have a high profile at Regents Park Community College. You offer a broad range of arts subjects at both KS3 and KS4 including art & design, photography, BTEC performing arts, dance, music and textiles. In addition, you offer Bronze Arts Award at KS4 and a number of extra-curricular opportunities such as acting, dancing, singing and playing musical instruments. It was great to read that as a result of your focus on boys you have introduced a new GCSE in product design and film studies, which has proved to be popular with your targeted group of students. The Curriculum Cohesion Project also supports the importance and
value of the arts across departments. Departments are planning and working together and drawing on the arts to support students’ learning experiences. For instance, the social sciences department has linked with the drama department when studying WW2. Through the Evacuees Project, students have explored entertainment of the time through 1940s karaoke lessons in music. The newly created Design Hub is a further example of your commitment to the arts. Your many partnerships are opening new doors for students to perform and see performances. Students are able to learn musical instruments with Southampton City Music Hub.”
KS3 Art Homework
Year 7 and 8 have been working hard on their homework with the theme ‘Earth day’. They were given a brief to create a piece of work that is inspired by Earth day, to celebrate the world we live in. Students completed a range of pieces such as poems, landscapes, posters. It was really lovely to see students being creative in their responses.
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