Regents Review - Summer 2023
The Regents Review Summer 2023
Headteacher’s Welcome
Every year is special in education as you have the privilege of meeting a whole new year group and saying farewell and good luck to a wonderful group of students that you have come to know over the five years they spend with you. What I have noticed this year, is how our young people are developing their voice and student leadership has never been stronger than we have celebrated this year. Our students are passionate about change and they know what they want, so this year we have totally embraced this. Not only have we had the superb views of our Student Ambassadors and College Council, but our Cyber Ambassadors have presented in competitions. Our PE Champions have coached and mentored in school but also at primary school sports days, our This Girl Can Ambassadors have spoken out to achieve equality and we have listened to every single one of them. One of my highlights this term was when our students joined us for our Professional Development Day. Once the students got over the fact that we were all in school working they took part in our ethos workshop and what they had to say made sense and their views are now incorporated in our next school development plan. We also continue to develop school leaders of the future with our staff attending national conferences and completing national professional qualifications. Our ethos of challenge shines strong as we celebrate the success of several of our staff team moving to new promotional posts in the autumn term. We wish Mr Jones, Mrs Lomer, Miss Fishlock and Mrs Moth the very best of luck, as they embrace change and new challenges.
We must also celebrate the creativity that we love so much at Regents Park and some of our staff are certainly being creative as they move across the globe to pastures new. We wish Mr Gates, Miss King and Mr Stone a very successful trip and we look forward to hearing all about the adventures of working in different areas of the world. But you do not need to move across the globe to be creative and so we know Mrs Anibaba will continue to be creative in all that she does and Miss Chegwidden, Miss Duffield and Miss Davenport will take all that they have learnt at Regents Park and share this as they take on new posts. Our next generation of Regents staff are all ready to join our community and I know it will not be long before they feel as proud as I do of the school. I know you will give a warm RPCC welcome to the following staff who will join us in September: Mrs McCarthy and Mr Whatley will join the Regents Park Leadership Team as Assistant Headteachers with responsibility for Outcomes and the Quality of Education. Mr Cunningham will join us as our new Head of Year 7 and I know all of the students and families that attended our transition events have already met him. We also welcome Mrs Scott who will join the pastoral team as Head of Year 9. Mrs Meeghan will join us in our maths team as our new Curriculum Leader and with Miss Eyres will also be joining the maths department. The creative arts team will welcome Miss Cole and the PE team will welcome Miss Fitzsimmons to their department. Enjoy a safe and happy creative summer and I look forward to joining you once again in September for another wonderful school year. Mrs Barnes Headteacher
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