Regents Review - Summer 2023

The Regents Review Summer 2023


uk/community-lettings/hirers timetable/ We welcome feedback from you and this can done in several ways: • Email: info@regentspark.

• If you wish to speak to the Headteacher, Mrs Barnes, please contact Fiona Hayward, Headteacher’s PA, on 023 8072 5711 Carlene Amos Business Manager

• Contact Form via the website https://www.regentsparkcollege. contact-us/ • Phone: 023 8032 5444

Regents Got Talent Thursday 29th June saw the annual RPCC’s Talent Show come round once again. The show has been an annual event since 2015 and has always been a fantastic evening for students to both show and share their talents. As always, we had students representing all years. We had vocal solos from Years 8, 9 and 10, instrumental solos from Years 8 and 9, which included bass guitar, drum kit and piano solos and for the first time ever, we even had a stand up comedy act from a Year 7 student. The evening was well attended and as always the winner was picked by the votes of the audience. While the votes were being counted and verified, the audience were further entertained by a previous winner who played a montage of pieces from the popular ‘La La Land’ musical. Ultimately though, it was Kaydon, who took the title and the prize of a £25 Amazon gift voucher this year. The evening was a great success thanks to the hard work of the acts, the compere, and the students and staff behind the scenes working the lights, sound and presentation. In addition, the evening would be a flop if nobody turned up to watch, so the school sends out a big thank you to everyone who shared in the evening either through participating or attending. See you again next year.


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