Regents Review Summer 2019

The Regents Review Summer 2019

WELCOME Headteacher’s Welcome

As the summer term 2019 draws to a close, students across the school are celebrating their successes and highlights in our reward assemblies. As always our Regents Review is full of news and it is hard to believe that so much happens in one school in just over 11 weeks. All the events, learning, trips and projects only happen as a result of the most amazing staff members. The fact that so many members of staff are willing to go above and beyond is a great strength at Regents Park. I want to publicly thank the staff for all the extra time they take to support all of these fantastic opportunities in addition to their day job of teaching and learning. The celebration of students’ achievements has certainly been a very common theme in my diary this term with plenty of opportunities to eat cake or drink hot chocolate with marshmallows. Students and staff have joined me because of their achievement in sports, gardening, competitions and much more, with Spencer, our school therapy dog, joining us to add to the special celebrations. We have also celebrated the Silver Sports Award which will be added to our other notable awards The Gold Artsmark and the Gold RE Mark. Well done to the RE, PE and Creative Arts departments. In contrast to all of these wonderful moments of joy the summer term is also when we bid farewell to colleagues as they move onto new adventures. I would like to wish the following staff the very best in their new posts and thank them for being part of the Regents Park journey: Miss Kingswell – moving for promotion to Head of Department Mr Spencer – moving for promotion to Head of Department Miss Cannon – moving to to another school Miss Alabaster – moving for promotion to Head of Department Miss Cooper – moving to teach science in a larger school Miss Holmes –is re-locating in the summer Mrs Rogers – celebrating her retirement after supporting literally thousands of students in Southampton over the years. Mrs Bradley – celebrating her retirement and

looking forward to signing up for some new adventures. Mr Barco – starting his teacher training course In September the school will welcome many new faces as we extend our staff team with the following staff joining us: Mr Jones – Assistant Headteacher [Data] Mr Ramshaw – Assistant Headteacher [Pastoral] Mrs Moth – Assistant Curriculum Leader: English Miss Smith – Subject Leader: Media Mr Odum – Assistant Curriculum Leader: Maths Mrs Hurst – SENCo Miss Birch – Maths teacher Miss Harrison – Humanities teacher Miss Gale - Humanities teacher Miss Matthews –Humanities teacher Mrs Saunders – Behaviour Support Worker We have also seen many of our current staff move from interim posts to permanent positions and some have new and exciting posts that they will be moving to in September: Miss Reed – Assistant Headteacher [Teaching & Learning] Mr Strange – Director of Inclusion / Extended Leadership / Lead DSL Mrs Blake – Curriculum Leader: Geography and History Mr Branford – Curriculum Leader: PE Mrs Lomer – Curriculum Leader: Maths Miss Ruberry – Assistant Curriculum Leader: Maths Mrs Moussa – Assistant Curriculum Leader: ICT Miss Grassie – Subject Leader: Sociology Mr Winson – PSHE and Careers [maternity cover] Mrs Blakely – Head of Year Support [Year 7] Finally, the summer holidays will see further improvements around the school as part of Project 2020 with the work on The Design Hub, new offices and ICT upgrades planned to enhance the school. We look forward to welcoming you back in September. Have a safe and happy summer. Mrs Barnes Headteacher Miss Baillie – Study Supervisor Mr Babaee – Study Supervisor


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