Regents Review Summer 2019
The Regents Review Summer 2019
Science City Science Intervention Day It has been another busy and exciting term in the science department for both teachers and students alike. Some of our Year 11 students were fortunate enough to be able to attend a city wide science intervention day. Students were able to participate in sessions covering many different parts of the science curriculum in preparation for their GCSE exams. During the day, students were involved in a walking talking mock as well as several focused workshops aimed at developing subject knowledge and understanding in key areas, personalised to those students. All the students had a great time and developed new skills for studying as well. Comments from the students included: “I learned concepts in a different environment which has helped me to think about them differently and will help me remember what I did.” “It was a different, but good, experience to have teachers from different schools and colleges teach us. They told us the same
things we have been told before but in a different way that I think will help me remember it.” Now that Year 11 students have successfully completed their final science exams (all six of them!), we now wait for the summer results with great anticipation. The science team wish them lots of luck in these exams and all Now that Year 11 students have successfully completed their final science exams - all six of them, we now wait for the summer results with great anticipation. The science team wish them lots of luck in these exams and all future endeavours. Tassomai There have been some big changes to Tassomai - the daily goals have become more responsive! Here is what Tassomai have to say about the recent changes: “We have adapted the Daily Goal to make it more motivating and rewarding for the student to complete: now, each time a student finishes their Daily Goal, they will be awarded a reduction to their target for the next day. We have listened to feedback that Daily Goals can be too high, and that this can put students off from regularly logging in, we also know that there are huge benefits to be gained if students can spread their work on Tassomai. This new development is designed to encourage students to build Tassomai into a manageable and sustainable daily routine. Complete your daily goal today, and tomorrow it will be lower, fail to complete it tomorrow and it will go up a bit the next day.” future endeavours. Year 11 exam preparation
The science department are pleased to announce that we will be renewing our Tassomai subscription next year. This means that all students currently using Tassomia can continue. We will also be subscribing to Tassomai’s new Key Stage 3 provision so as of September our Year 7 and Year 8 students will also be able to use Tassomai. Operating Live The Regents Park science department would like to extend a massive thank you to the staff at Richard Taunton Sixth Form College, for arranging and allowing our students to attend their ‘Operating Live’ event. This was a truly unique experience for our students who have aspirations to work in medicine in the future. The Year 9 and 10 students who attended were given scrubs and made to dress as surgeons. They were then tasked to care for their “patient” and prepare them for a medical operation. In the afternoon the students were given some amazing biological specimens to dissect, with the aid of staff and doctors from the Operating Live team. Students got to handle brains, eyes, hearts and lungs. They also got to witness the dissection of an intestinal tract - an experience not often afforded to GCSE students. It was truly a mesmerising day. The pictures are not for the faint hearted! Lastly, it is with sadness that we say goodbye to Miss S Cooper, as she is leaving at the end of this academic year. She will be greatly missed by staff and students. The team would like to take the opportunity to wish her future success in her new job. We will miss you Shaz!
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