Regents Review Summer 2019

The Regents Review Summer 2019

DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Teaching fractions at RPCC

Below are how some aspects of fractions are taught in Maths. Please use these techniques to support your child at home.

1. Simplifying fractions

3. Common denominators

2. Mixed numbers

Maths Challenge Enter the maths challenge competition. Entries can be brought to room 32 at break or lunch time. There will be a prize for the best entry. Amazing Maths Magicians

We all know that mathematics can be quite daunting and challenging, with resilience being a key point towards success so let’s celebrate some of our resilient students’: Mya Bodycote, Year 7 - for her superb attainment and effort throughout the whole year. Cristian Ionecsu, Year 7 - he is a maths magician because he is always eager to learn. Grace Denness, Year 7 - she is hard working, willing to contribute to discussions, helpful and supportive of others. Kayleigh Shaw and Minshal Muneer, Year 9 - worked hard for their mocks with good progress. Denisa Danalache, Year 8 - always looking to be challenged and view more difficult work. Remember it’s never too early to revise for your GCSEs.


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