Regents Review Summer 2019-20
The Regents Review Summer 2020
access museums and trips. We have also completed an individual questionnaire for the students to compete. I look forward to working more on this next year. I would like to wish you a happy and healthy summer holidays, I hope you all get an opportunity to take time and relax. Myself and the Year 7 team look forward to seeing you all in September. Mrs Bishop Head of Year 7
Nadia Eren Casey-Lou Owen Jack
Recently, College Council have been taking part in ownership of the time. They have enjoyed finding out about our cultural capital outside of school and have created a Wordle based on all the amazing activities Year 7 do outside of school. We have over 70 students involved in activities.
We have continued working on our Year 7s cultural capital online. We have worked with different departments and looked at how virtually we would be able to
Mr Brown After over 20 years starting as a supply teacher, teaching in the MFL and B&E teams and ending with a data role on the LT team, it’s time for me to call it a day. The educational visits with my business and leisure and tourism classes, overseas trips to German and French markets and introducing students to skiing have to be the highlights. Let’s hope I have inspired some of our young people to be linguists and entrepreneurs or at least to have the ambition to travel and see the world. Thanks to staff and students, past and present for the wonderful memories.
Year 8
(I know you lot love a quote from The Rock!)
YEAR 8! What a crazy year this has been! I know that this has been a very difficult and scary time for us all at RPCC and I know you guys must be feeling unsure of what Regents Park will look like in September. I am here to say that I cannot wait to see all of you in September, and as we move into Year 9 (our GCSE year) I hope that you have all used the time well over these last few months to continue learning, both inside and outside the classroom constraints. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing a handful of you over the course of our meetings recently and hearing how amazing you are all doing at home through our weekly phone calls. Have a productive and restful Summer holidays and continue to be the best year group in the school! Mr Stone Head of Year 8
(I know you lot love a quote from The Rock!)
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