Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020



Tassomai: Throughout the year students in Year 7 and Year 8 have continued to practice their English language skills using Tassomai with units focusing on reading comprehension, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. Below are our top students for Tassomai for the month of July, logging in every single day to complete their daily goal! Top Year 7 for the Month of July: • Lewis • Whitlee • Belle • Isabella • Julia • Charan • Lucy • Ben

Outstanding work from outstanding students! In English we continue to be amazed by the creativity, imagination, hard work and dedication shown by our students. Here is just a snapshot of the wonderful work that is being submitted on a daily basis. We have showcased work from Year 7 Product Design, Year 9 and Year 10 Shakespeare and Year 10 Media work on TV Crime Drama. All of RPCC’s English teachers want to say a massive thank you to the students who have worked so diligently during these strange times - well done all of you!

• Alfie • Alex • Willow Top Year 8 for the Month of July: • Michael • Danny • Christian • Humza

• Olaf • Mya • Harry • Manipal • Julia • Robbie • Emily

Audiobooks with the English Department Year 7: This term Year 7 have engaged with new technology and shared their love of reading by tuning in daily for the English Department’s reading of The Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. Every day a new chapter has been released to students using Loom enabling students to both read along with the text, but also gain some “face time” with Mrs. J. Moth and guest reader Mr. Moth. This has been a great way for students to access new fiction texts from home and expand their knowledge of historical texts from the 19th and 20th centuries. “Loved listening - please can we see the pictures” - C Moth “This is great! I really like the pictures. This is much better than the film!” Joshua H

“I really miss English lessons, but I feel much better after watching the videos on Loom” Benjamin D Year 8: This term Year 8 have tuned in to hear a live audiobook series, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, read by Mrs. J. Moth with guest readings by Mr. Lucas and Miss Fison. Every day a new chapter has been released to students using Loom, enabling students to read along and gain “face time” with members of the English Department. Students have really engaged with this challenging 19th century fictional text, enhancing both their love of reading alongside their practice for more challenging 19th and 20th century texts at GCSE. “I loved the foreshadowing of the treasure chest!” Alexander L


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