Regents Review Summer 2019-20
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Super Stan! Stanley started playing his trombone during the first clap for carers at 8pm. The neighbours loved it and asked him to play for longer, so he decided to start playing at 7.30pm and until after the clap. This really helped his neighbourhood come together and entertain everyone, especially those shielding - it is their highlight of their week! After a couple of weeks, he said he would like to raise money for our local hospital, so decided to set up a Just Giving site. One week, Sammy The Hospital Bear came to visit him to say thank you. He has now raised over £740 ( including a donation from Chris Thomas from the Cory band! ) Despite the clap for carers stopping, Stanley continues to do his concerts each week - even in the rain! If you would like to donate, his link is: stansclapforheroes Testlands Community Hub - Summer Provision Following on from the successful Easter provision for key / critical workers, Southampton City Council and Testlands Community Hub have been able to continue to provide similar provision over the summer. Whilst the provision offered from Testlands is available to all families via their website, there is a 50% discount for the children of key / critical workers for the whole 6 weeks. Proof of employment will need to be given via the website to obtain the discount. Testlands have also managed to secure some hot meals for all attendees with their local business partnership.
Saints Summer Programme
NCS Saints Foundation and NCS have teamed up to deliver the ‘Keep Doing Good’ programme this summer for young people in Southampton. ‘Keep Doing Good’ is an amazing opportunity for Year 11 pupils to support Southampton and help tackle community’s issues that already existed or have emerged due to COVID-19. To register, visit SAINTS KICKS Saints Kicks is a programme which looks to engage young people aged 8-18 in positive activity with the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour in the areas it operates. To register, please contact
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