Regents Review Summer '17
The Regents Review Summer 2017
Careers Big Bang Experience
On Thursday 27th April 2017 at Hilton at The Ageas Bowl, Southampton our students visited one of the biggest careers event in the Solent region promoting science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It was a unique opportunity to discover different careers opportunities and be inspired by all that STEM has to offer. Here is what Ajay Singh (Year 9) had to say about the event: “We went to the Ageas Bowl for a science fair. It was fun and exciting to learn about the different jobs linked with science such as nurses, engineers and many more. The different providers made it really interactive and Totton College hosted a science quiz. I was the overall winner and won a £20 book voucher!”
Lidl Distribution Visit On Friday 9th June, a group of Year 10 students were invited by Lidl to tour their brand new £55 million distribution centre in Southampton. On arrival, students were introduced to the company’s aims and objectives and it was fascinating to hear about how the company had gone from opening their first store in the UK in 1994 to having over 600 stores today and to be opening some in the USA this summer. It was also insightful to hear about the varied careers available to students in the future. However the most impressive was the warehouse itself which is big enough to hold several jumbo jets! The group were able to learn a lot about the logistical side of the operation and how important it is to work as a team in order to be efficient. Walking through the freezer with the students with ice creams in-hand was certainly one of the most memorable parts of the day!
Mrs Smith PSHE & Careers Co-ordinator
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