Regents Review Summer '17
The Regents Review Summer 2017
Year 9 Year 9 have been applying their creative skills in maths and have come up with some lyrics to help remember how to apply Y=MX + C to straight line graphs. Here is an example of some of the lyrics they came up with: “C is the Y intercept” “Gradient is how steep the line is” “Where is crosses is the X intercept” “Gradient is the letter m, this stands for this” “C is the Y intercept” Year 10 Year 10 have just sat a very challenging set of mock examinations; well done for their perseverance! The three papers are practice papers set by Edexcel examination board and give students a useful insight into what their examinations will be like next summer. Class teachers have gone through the test papers with students, who have already seen where careless errors could have been avoided and improvements can be made in the future. Year 11 Year 11 took advantage of revision sessions in the half term break and before school to prepare for the new-style mathematics GCSE, which students have sat nationally for the first time this year. The new 9 – 1 graded GCSE comprises three examinations and includes some of the previous AS level content. It also places greater emphasis on multi-step problem solving.
Miss Jones’ GCSE Statistics group sat the old-style GCSE for the last time and they prepared well for their examination, which was the last one of the 2017 series! We look forward to seeing them in August for their results. Numeracy Week Numeracy week is the second week in July. As part of this week, teachers across the curriculum have been preparing activities to highlight where numeracy appears in their subject area. All too often students equate numeracy with just something they do in maths and the aim is to show students that the basic skills of numeracy are needed in many different aspects of their learning and indeed in real life situations. Here are some examples of what awaits our students.
Numeracy Ninjas Congratulations to the following Year 7’s who have worked really hard on their daily Numeracy Ninja challenges in Maths and have received certificates for achievement and improvement throughout the year: maths skills including weighing ingredients and measuring size and volume of the sausage rolls. Fractions were also applied to create some standardised rolls that are exactly the same weight and size.
Estera Jasinska Karolina Waligora Emma Gill Zaynah Bibi Kacie Littlefield Dawid Sikora Kacper Guzman Lucie Say Haydn Roberts Chloe Gale Jun Jie Yu Caitlyn Manning
Students have been applying their symmetry skills in English. In DT students have been making sausage rolls, where they have had a chance to apply lots of
Surjeet Singh Sam Kennedy
The numeracy ninjas have been an integral part of Year 7 where students work under timed conditions to improve their mental maths. This supports students in all areas of numeracy used across the school as well as in their maths lessons.
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