Regents Review Summer '17

The Regents Review Summer 2017


Parent Forum Thank you to all parents who have supported Parent Forum over the past year. Your views on a range of issues are extremely important to us and will support Regents Park in its journey to Outstanding. Over the past academic year, we have consulted parents on the new PE kit, homework, community

and communication channels. We have also shared information regarding important topics such as British Values and Prevent. Parent Forum will continue to be scheduled once a term next year and will run from 6:30 – 7:30pm in the Conference Room. Refreshments are provided and the library is made available for siblings, if childcare is an issue.

Details and information regarding forthcoming Parent Forum meetings will be posted on the website. I look forward to seeing all regular attendees next year and look forward to welcoming new parents as well.

Liz Cosford Member of LT


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