Regents Review Spring Edition 2023
The Regents Review Spring 2023
use of digital technology to provide extra content and help through Google Classroom. As for previous years, the science department is involved, once more with British Science Week. The general theme of this year’s events, that ran from the 10th - 19th of March was connections. As part of the British Science Week, Regents Park entered the national poster competition and will be submitting some absolutely fabulous work from our students. This year, the science department is offering a number of clubs / activities aimed at supporting students with their learning and their enjoyment of all sciences: The Year 7 and Year 8 science club, which runs on
Tuesdays after school - Mrs Khan offers Key Stage 3 students, to carry out practical activities and challenges focussed on STEM subjects (science technology, engineering and mathematics). This has proven to be a big success in improving the profile of science at Regents Park. After the interruptions to learning in the last three years, Regents Park is now returning to normality and soon will be offering opportunities for more out of school activities and trips.
Creative Arts & DT Year 7 Food Tech Year 7s are learning about sustainable and seasonal eating this term, with a range of delicious recipes, starting off with peeling and knife skills to develop
their confidence. They have been making scrumptious recipes in the kitchen such as: fruit salads, seasonal vegetable cous cous, scones and fruit crumble.
Year 7 Graphics In graphics this term, we are learning about typography, how it’s used in everyday advertisement and how we can create our own. Students have been learning skills of refining design, looking at Serif and San Serif Fonts and creating a final outcome of a three dimensional letter.
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