Regents Review Spring Edition 2023
The Regents Review Spring 2023
English National Teen Book Awards This term, students at Regents Park have been participating in ‘Speakers for School’s National Teen Book Club’, which is a prestigious event partnering schools around the country to share student Careers in Maths Graduates with maths-related degrees are amongst the highest earners in society, with median salaries of £40-£50k, five years after graduation. However, individuals even successfully studying maths to GCSE or A-Level, are at an advantage in the workplace, developing skills such as problem solving, analysis and data handling, which can be applied to practically any job. Here are 3 careers you may not have considered, that use maths: Hairdressing/Barbering Besides having a good understanding of shape, colour and symmetry, hairdressers also need confidence with basic chemistry and maths when
spray can and an inconveniently timed patrol car. Amir is the angry boy who won’t talk about the brother he lost – but he won’t let his name be forgotten either. Eman is the awkward girl whose favourite evenings are spent at home watching TV with her Nani. Kemi is the determined athlete, who knows she deserves as good a shot as anyone else – if only she can get to the starting line. As they spend more time together they learn more about themselves, and in the process, realise the true cause of Amir’s brother’s death… This is one summer they will never forget! The highlight of these sessions is always the opportunity for students to engage with others around the UK, as well as professionals linked to careers within the novel and the author herself! introducing colour and other products to hair. Many hairdressers/barbers have their own business and use skills from GCSE maths to calculate tax, bills, pay their staff correctly or take out a loan. Catering A chef’s routine includes maths calculations on a daily basis: counting portions, increasing a recipe yield, determining a ratio for preparing a stock, calculating a plate cost, or establishing a food and Since tools and components routinely measure less than an inch, car mechanics must have a firm grasp on basic arithmetic involving fractions. Most automotive technicians should also be able to conduct quick conversions between metric and imperial units. labour budget. Car Mechanic
experiences whilst reading a modern fiction text. This term we have been studying “Good for Nothing” by Mariam Ansar. This exciting, newly published novel, follows the story of three teens who are landed with a community service order, after an incident involving a
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