Regents Review Spring 2024
The Regents Review Spring 2024
Language Nut The MFL department, continue to be impressed with students’ effort on our online learning platform Language Nut. On this page, you will see the school leaderboard. Remember Language Nut is a great resource to keep your languages fresh over the break. Usernames and passwords can found on student’s Google Classroom.
Dragons Den - Year 10 Spanish Mrs Northfield’s 10Y1 Spanish have been pitching their Dragons Den creations during their recent lesson, some fantastic ideas!
Year 11 Mocks and Intervention Well done to all Year 11 linguists on the improvement in their February mock exams! Please remember that speaking intervention is available every Wednesday after school in room 41! Please continue to use your general conversation booklets on Google Classroom to revise. Final speaking exams will be week beginning 6th May 2024!
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