Regents Review Spring 2024

The Regents Review Spring 2024

Mathematics DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Maths Pupil Resource Of the Month (PRoM) GCSE: We’ve only just become aware of this new section on the excellent Corbett maths website. There are a 100 resources for foundation and higher, working on one topic each time, to help with revision for GCSE Maths. Videos last about 15 minutes and you can pause these to work on the questions shown for yourself, before worked solutions are provided. Alternate Resource: Mathigon is such an interesting website with loads of fascinating and useful resources. This particular section answers the age old question “when am I ever going to use this in real life?”. Look through according to topic, or by industry, to understand what maths might be used in your future career. Y11 Maths Revision Day This half term, twenty-five Year 11 students had the opportunity to take part in a Twenty Twenty Learning GCSE maths revision day, to help prepare them for their GCSE exams in the summer. This day was organised and delivered by SUN (Southern Universities Network). The topics covered were: • Transformations • Percentages • Ratio and Proportion • Algebra - substitution • Algebra - solving equations Students found this experience very helpful. They said “The booklet filled with exam questions was really useful.” and “Working in small groups, focused on specific topics, made things much clearer.”

Modelling In maths, we put great emphasis on students showing clear and precise workings when calculating an answer. All teachers demonstrate the required steps clearly before students can then replicate the method. Please see below some fantastic modelling of Pythagoras’ theorem from students in 11BY:

Maths Puzzles You must follow these rules - you cant use the same number twice in a square and the numbers must add up to the same number in each row, column and diagonal line. Good luck!


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