Regents Review - Spring 2021

The Regents Review Spring 2021


Year 10 Welcome back to Year 10 and congratulations on a really positive start back. I am delighted to hear so many teachers talk about how Year 10 have matured and are showing readiness for their GCSEs. I would also like to take this opportunity to commend students on their dedication, resilience and hard work that they have shown over this second period of remote learning. Students have excelled in areas we never thought possible and it is amazing to see their determination, even in the face of adversity. It is so lovely to see all of the students again and I am looking forward to what the summer term holds for us all. As a year group, as we proceed into the summer term, we are going to begin to focus our efforts towards looking at careers and next steps after Regents Park. Students will be being encouraged in tutor time to look at colleges in the local area,

courses and their entry requirements and different qualifications available, as well as starting to put together a CV. Similarly to this, I have a number of students asking about work experience and at this moment in time, we are unsure what this week will look like. Please rest assured that even if we are unable to have a ‘normal’ work experience week due to Government COVID-19 restrictions, we will aim to do something, even if it is virtually! I will update you as soon as I get confirmation either way. Wishing you all a very restful Easter holidays, I am sure the break will be well-needed for students and staff alike! Miss Grassie Head of Year 10

Zero Heroes (0 Behaviour Points)

Abigail Alex

Craig Denisa Dylan Eashan Ella Ellie Erin Erin Faith Harry Hayden Holly Ibrahim Jack

Joseph Joseph Josh Joshua Kayla Kimi Leyla Lisa Maddison Mariana

Nathan Nicole Raaed Rihana Rio Sarah Simone Tamim Tom

Alisa Allia Andrea Ani Anna Annalise Ben Bradley

Vernessa Wanessa William Yanni Yussuf

Caitlin Callum Callum Carl Cassie Chloe

Martin Matus Megan Megan Mikolaj Molly

James Jamie


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