Regents Review Spring 2019
The Regents Review Spring 2019
Careers Choices Performance
At the end of March, our Year 10 and 11 students were treated to a production addressing the issues around progression to higher education. It followed the story of Zoe, Alex and Shaun who are all facing decision day and have to decide which subjects to study but each one has a different problem. It highlighted how to overcome pressures from parents, peers and conforming to a certain path and we hope that it raised our students’ confidence and aspirations to pursue their post-16 goals! 2020 Revision Day As we approach the GCSE exams, our Year 11 students were supported in their preparation with a fully funded revision day delivered by TwentyTwenty Learning on Monday 11th March. It was so positive to see the year group in on a staff training day committing to gaining extra revision and skills. Students rotated around Maths, English, Science, Creative Revision and History/Geography lessons taught by external specialists and they also went away with a revision booklet to help them with the final weeks of Year 11. Students were overwhelmingly positive about the day and went away feeling confident for their exams! Big Interview On Friday 8th February, our Year 10 students put their interview skills into practice and took part in mock interviews. They had prepared their CVs in advance and demonstrated their maturity and confidence to our local business people who had come in to deliver the interviews. We had interviewers from Womble Bond Dickinson, Morgan
How useful did you find 2020 Revision Day?
How confident do you feel after today?
Sindall, Capita, Department for Work and Pensions and many more and they were all so impressed with our students and in some cases said they would even like to offer them a job if they could! The students said they found the experience really positive and felt supported by the interviewers. We hope this event gives them the much deserved boost they will need for the work experience in May and interviews for college next year.
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