Regents Review Spring '18
The Regents Review Spring 2018
Languages DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Ms Loubier has entered some very keen Year 8 students into the World Cup 2018 Challenge organised by Arsenal. Two groups of students have had to prepare an activity and a video script in French covering the following five key areas: 1. Introduction of all students in the group organising and running a match/activity 2. Short and simple description of what is going to happen during the match/activity 3. One pre-match/activity interview 4. Communication in French during the match/ activity 5. One post-match/activity interview The students met and organised the football drills they decided to teach to the other group and organised the vocabulary needed for all these tasks. They have shown a great team spirit and commitment as they had to use their own time for the organisation, preparation and learning. For example, using French expressions and vocabulary related to football, Justin and Lydia have practised PiXL Thanks to the hard work and commitment to PiXL by Mr Brown, Ms Loubier has been allowed to take her students studying French in Year 11 to and stimulating and challenging Modern Foreign Languages Conference in Reading University. On the 27th March, the RPCC Year 11 keen linguists will head to Reading University and join peer students from all over England in order to reinforce their exam and revision skills. We wish them all the best for their exciting linguistic journey. Ms Loubier would like to thank the staff and SLT to support this initiative and especially Ms Johnson who will accompany us.
commenting football matches using videos on youtube of past matches to be ready for their own live commentary that needed to be filmed. We wish them the best of luck for their entry with the hope to win a school trip to Emirates Stadium. From their hard work, it is evident that the students will have shown the reinforcement/development of a variety of skills: communication skills (confidence, fluency, spontaneity) and organisation skills. It has been beautiful to see their passion and enthusiasm for languages in a new light. Ms Loubier would like to thank her students: 8G : Emmanuel, Justin, Saqib, George, Pawel, Riley and Lydia 8B : Alex, Sam, Faheem, Zak and Patrick Ms Loubier would like to thank her tutees: Analise, Hannah, Bartek and Kacper for sharing her knowledge of football and helping her support her Year 8 students. A special thank you to Hannah for being a referee for the match. At last but not at least, a massive thank you to staff and SLT for supporting this initiative, including Mr Branford for the resources and Mr Barnett for filming the event.
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