Regents Review Spring '17
The Regents Review Spring 2017
PSHE In the Spring Term, various year groups have had the opportunity to take part in PSHE sessions with both the Health and Wellbeing worker and external agencies such as No Limits. In January there were workshops focused on Body Changes and in March the theme was in Staying Safe.
‘Hidden’ - Self Harm Play On Wednesday 14th December, Year 10 and 11 students got the opportunity to see a professional production of ‘Hidden’ as part of the PSHE programme. This play covered the sensitive issues of self-worth, mental health and self-harm through the stories of three teenagers that meet at a music festival but go to different schools, have different friendship groups and have led very different lives. What they have in common are their struggles which are explored through this performance. Although it covered a challenging subject, students and staff felt it was an important one and was delivered brilliantly.
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