Regents Review Spring '17
The Regents Review Spring 2017
phone, ipad, laptop or PC. We would also strongly recommend Mathswatch or Maths Genie as particularly useful websites where students can watch video clips, tackle questions on specific topic areas and check their answers with the worked solutions.
In Miss Bateson’s Year 9 lesson students used chocolate biscuits as the incentive to solve problems as efficiently as possible in order to get to eat the resources.
KS3 Year 7
KS4 Life for our Year 11s just got a whole lot more serious with the realisation that their GCSEs are just a matter of months away. The scheme of work has now been taught so all groups are busy revising key topic areas and working on improving their examination technique. There is a real plethora of resources to help students so there really is something out there for everyone to help themselves improve in maths. If you are someone who prefers to work from a revision guide, these have already been provided to all students. Alternative students might like to purchase a targeted revision pack from the Main Office (priced at £2). These can also be downloaded directly from the student area at no charge. The Pixl Maths App is a great resource which can be accessed anywhere at anytime via a Smart finally able to match them last month. Well done to all the students in Year 8 for contributing towards each class’ average “scores on the doors”. In Year 7 students have been continuing their daily focus on Numeracy Ninjas to improve their basic numeracy. Lollies and Numeracy Ninja Belt postcards are their reward for their great enthusiasm in this new initiative. Year 8 Year 8 tutor groups compete against each other in an inter- tutor Numeracy Ninja battle. Last term’s worthy winners were Miss Groves’ tutor group with Mr Winson’s tutor group
“Maths with Matti” made its return recently with Year 8 student, Matti Burek, introducing the topic of trigonometry to his class mates, much to their amusement.
Making it memorable
In maths we endeavour to use a range of resources and strategies to make maths both as relevant for real life as possible as well as really memorable for our students. This includes playing songs such as the firm favourite “The Circle Song”. We also use songs, reworked by artists and bands such as The Hoosiers, McFly and One Direction, in our “Maths in the Music” fun starters. One very talented singer/songwriter in Year 8, Jessica Leonard, even wrote her own song, lyrics and maths calculation which she performed to students who then had to do the calculation as she sang it. What a wealth of talent we have at Regents Park!
Cross Curricular Work Lots of work has been carried out to develop numeracy across the curriculum. The Maths Department has been working collaboratively with the Science Department to streamline how and when we deliver certain topics within our curriculums which overlap the two subject areas. Both Departments are encouraging better use of calculators now that two out of the three Maths GCSE papers are calculator based. MFL have included examples of symmetry in their displays of famous French monuments. Even in English Maths can be seen in action where Mrs Tavender’s
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