Regents Review Spring '16
The Regents Review Spring 2016
Year 10 Year 10 is a challenging year:
Rock Challenge On Wednesday February 24th, approximately 90 dancers, stage crew and staff went to the O2 Guildhall Southampton to take part in the 3rd and final heat of UK Rock Challenge, along with 8 other local secondary schools and colleges. Rock Challenge is an event that students can take part in to allow them to achieve a ‘natural high’ without the use of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes and it is now in its 21st Year in the UK. Our piece this year was based on people living with dementia and the effect it has on those around them. Our introduction was: ‘I’m in this home. They put me here. Don’t know the date. Don’t know the year. I sit, think, reminisce, Of the days gone by, total joy and bliss. But confusion sets in and I start to panic. Medication wears off, it makes me erratic. My body is here, my mind is not. So please, I ask... Forget Me Not.’ After a long day of watching each other teams rehearse; dancing, singing and seeing Miss Jones take part in an epic air guitar competition, we settled down in our changing rooms to get ready for the evening performance. Lots of hair styling, make-up and costumes later we were ready to perform. The students threw everything into their performance and it was the best they had ever performed the 8 minute piece. As we performed about halfway through the evening we had a long wait for the rest of the show to finish and the judges to make their
students are facing up to the fact that they have now embarked on their GCSEs. This can be a challenge for both students and parents. A chance to meet with teachers is fast approaching as the Year 10 subject review evening will take place on March 10th, from 4-7pm. We’re looking forward to meeting with you and discussing how we can work together to take our young people forward. After the success of our Work Experience programme, teachers have noted an increased maturity in our students. We have a small group attending a career-focused training programme with Bond Dickinson – one of the UK’s leading law firms – in Southampton, and we’re looking at other ways to make students aware of the possibilities that are out there. For example, in January, we invited the RNLI to our weekly assembly and students heard about the brave work they do; our assistant prefects are now shadowing our prefect team and being trained for their duties next year.
Mrs Jarvis, HOY Support, and I have met with many parents over the last few weeks to discuss attendance and the impact of missed lessons on a student’s learning. We hope this will help improve the attendance of students to allow them to be confident in their learning and to meet their potential. Finally, we have Rock Challenge! Lots of Year 10 students are involved with this and it is great to see the vibrancy and energy emulating from
rehearsals. Mrs Neale Head of Year 10
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