Regents Review Spring '16
The Regents Review Spring 2016
General News
Regent Park Bake Off To combat the winter blues, the senior prefects organised the inaugural ‘Regents Park Bake Off’ in January this term. It promised to be a fantastic event as the buzz from students and teachers spread around the school like wildfire. It was to follow a similar format of the well-known TV show and the whole school would have the opportunity to enjoy the results. After an exciting build up, the big week finally arrived. Twenty teachers and support staff from across the school were to go 'head to head' in one of the most competitive events Regents Park has ever seen. Three winners from each round were to go through to a 'winner takes all' final. The cakes and biscuits were to be sold in a bake sale and the whole event was going to be televised on the big screens. Round 1, biscuits and flapjacks, was a tense affair with some big players hoping to intimidate the competition. Some of them, Mr Strange and Mr Archibald, brought their own equipment and some of them used other more clandestine
methods to disrupt their opponents. Mr Brown thought that distraction techniques might work best as he set about exploding popcorn and burning the worktops. Miss Hocking was not impressed. Happily though, three worthy winners were judged through to the Final. Mr Archibald was declared ‘Star Baker’ with Mrs Rogers and Mr Strange in hot pursuit. In round 2, cakes were the order of the day. Again it was a competitive atmosphere, punctuated regularly by yelps and exclamations from the ever-present Mr Sinclair who was the victim of many attempts at sabotage. Happily, he and two other excellent bakers, Mrs Moussa and Mrs Ruberry, sailed through to the final. The grand final was a real master-class in baking. All of the judges agreed that the entries were outstanding and it was a very hard decision choosing the
champion. However, after considerable debate, Mrs Rogers beautiful dessert won the day and she holds the coveted and extremely well deserved accolade of being Regents Park's first ever ‘Bake Off’ winner. Special praise and mention goes to Dominic Green who edited the whole competition together into a 30-minute show for the whole school to watch. It really was a fantastic occasion and showed off the strength and breadth of talent that the staff and students at Regents Park possess. The whole event would not have been possible without the hard work, dedication and organisational skills of the Senior Prefect Team and I want to thank them for their commitment to making this happen. I am extremely proud of them. Mr Holloway
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