Our programme for the study of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education has
been created in consultation with students, staff and governors. Through a variety of
workshops, presentations and productions we aim to safeguard students, support them
spiritually, morally, culturally and physically, and prepare them for the opportunities,
responsibilities and experiences of life.
The PSHE sessions for Key Stage Four are all delivered by specialist external providers
exploring the key themes of Relationships, Body Awareness, Risk and Money
In addition, assemblies each week will also have a PSHE focus and will be delivered by
different departments across the school. As ever, your child’s Progress Tutor and Head of
Year will always be on-hand to support in cooperation with outside agencies.
We aim to equip every single student in the school with all of the skills and experiences
possible in order for them to be successful in their working lives when they leave.
Therefore we not only follow the Southampton Learner Entitlement but also provide
additional opportunities for students to take part in.
In Key Stage Four students have the opportunity to be involved in:
CV Writing
Mock Interviews
One Week’s Work Experience Placement
One-to-one Careers Interviews with a Level 6 advisor
RPCC Careers Festival
Visits to Careers Fairs, Workshops, Workplaces and Activities