GCSE Modern Foreign Languages
Acting Curriculum Leader: Ms V Loubier
Examination Board: AQA
Assessment Requirements:
Examinations in listening (25%), speaking (25%), reading (25%) and writing (25%) at
the end of the course.
Course Outline
We offer two languages: French and Spanish and follow the AQA exam board
specification. The course codes for the exam specifications are as follows:
French – AQA 8658
Spanish – AQA 8698
The AQA course is centred around 3 themes which apply to all four question papers to
enable students to communicate and understand information in everyday life.
These are:
Identity and culture
Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Current and future study and employment
Students will be expected to understand and provide information and opinions about these
themes relating to their own experiences and those of other people, including people in
countries/communities where French/Spanish is spoken.
Students will be expected to participate in role-plays, conversations and other speaking
tasks in French/Spanish; the ability to use computers to access the Internet and have good
organisational skills in order to maximise independent learning and revision.
Career Opportunities: Travel and tourism (holiday reps); public relations; law; hotel
management; national and international business; global organisations; translation and
interpreting work; jobs in Europe and other countries outside Europe; journalism; teaching;
acting and voice overs.