GCSE Sociology
Curriculum Leader: Miss E Grassie
Examination Board: AQA
Assessment Requirements:
100% exam:
Paper 1 – The sociology of families and education – 50% of total GCSE.
Paper 2 – The sociology of crime and deviance and social stratification – 50% of total
Course Outline
The GCSE Sociology course will allow students to study the society in which we live and
how it informs choices that we make. The following topics are covered at length throughout
the course:
The sociological approach
Social structures, social processes and social issues
Crime and deviance
Social stratification
Sociological research methods.
This course will allow students to develop their critical thinking skills, analyse and better
understand the social world, apply their understanding to explore and debate the current
sociological issues outlined in each of the topic areas and develop opinions and new ideas
on social issues.
Students need to be motivated to study independently, self-motivated to engage with a
variety of challenging sociological issues and have good organisational and research
Career Opportunities
GCSE Sociology provides the foundation for AS and A level courses in Sociology, as well
as related subjects, such as Criminology, Psychology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, as
well as leading in to Higher Education.
In relation to employment, GCSE Sociology can offer opportunities within the Civil Service
and Local Government services, the Police, Voluntary Agencies, Social Work and