KS4 Curriculum Booklet 2017 - 18
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Business Studies Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Video highlighting quality control in pizza production Research task on what is meant by TQM, quality control (recap from previous lesson) and quality assurance. Students are given a scenario/case study of a business who is suffering quality issues. They then create a PowerPoint explaining the various methods they believe the business should undertake to maintain consistent quality. These methods should be linked to examples that they have researched about methods other businesses have undertaken. From these presentations students brainstorm the main benefits of a business undertaking TQM. Starter – show BBC Bitesize video on quality Students split into groups. Some groups focus on the benefits of maintaining quality, others focus on the costs of maintaining quality. Each group creates a list of the main benefits/costs of maintaining quality. A representative from each group explains one point that is on their list to the rest of the class. 4 mark question – explain two benefits of maintaining quality for a business like Apple. Starter – graveyard hangman Recap understanding of diseconomies of scale. Discuss issues of outsourcing call centres and production to other countries – BBC article on call centres Students research an example of a business that has suffered quality issues as they have grown. Use BBC Bitesize quiz to assess understanding.
To understand the methods businesses use to maintain consistent quality. To identify the advantages to a
Methods of maintaining consistent quality:
Total quality management (TQM)
business of using TQM.
Costs and benefits of maintaining quality
To understand the costs and benefits of maintaining quality.
Costs and benefits include additional sales, image/ reputation, higher price, inspection costs, staff training, product recalls and the provision of services. Be aware of issues particularly if outsourcing and franchising is used.
To understand the possible quality issues as businesses grow.
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