KS3 Curriculum Booklet 2017 -18
Curriculum Overview KS3 Curriculum Area: Creative Arts Subject: Drama Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Drama KS3 Overview September 2017
Year 7
Year 8
Autumn Mystery Pictures –
Genre – To explore the genres/styles of theatre and performance. How can I use the acting space to suit the genre of the piece? Can I demonstrate the style of each genre through my rehearsal and performance? Creating and sustaining different characters in rehearsal and performance. Use different performance techniques to demonstrate different genres explored. Rosa Parks – To explore how to respond to a stimulus. To experiment with how to use still image and narration to communicate meaning. To analyse how we may be controlled in society. To experiment with drama techniques to influence your audience. Use non-naturalistic techniques to represent emotions on stage. Experiment and analyse how you as a performer can influence your audience. Explore how to work successfully in large groups.
To adopt and sustain a variety of roles. To develop sensitivity to the situation in their use of language. To develop an understanding of the importance of conflict and tension in drama. What happens when conflict is introduced in a drama? Do we always have to resolve situations fully? Create a character using the ‘Mantle of the Expert’ technique. Use appropriate technical language to support the authenticity of the character. Present a sustained piece of performance based around the given mystery. Evacuees – To explore what it was like to be a child in WW2. To develop the historical context of the drama in more depth. Explain how it felt to be an evacuee. What were the differences between being a child then and now? W ork successfully in a group. Create a sustained/believable performance linked to WW2. Perform a character monologue. Soap Opera – To understand the genre of ‘Soap’. To explore the use of stock character and storylines within soaps. What does a typical ‘Soap Opera’ look like? Explain. Create and sustain a believable ‘Soap’ character. Create a typical episode, using setting and character as a starting point. Perform to the class. Darkwood Manor – Introduce students to the genre of ‘horror’ To enable students to take control of the drama. To investigate the drama using, ‘Mantle of the Expert’. What are the key elements you should include in a horror/mystery drama to draw the audience in to the action? Create a character linked to the drama. Create a context where their character would be involved in the drama. Perform a piece of drama linked to the storyline created.
Stage Skills – To explore the use of projection and dramatic pauses within a performance.
How do we use our voice? What is a dramatic pause? How can these two techniques enhance a performance? To explore the use of non-naturalistic performance. What is naturalism?
How could it affect a performance? U se their voice to create soft/ loud U se their voice to create a character.
E nhance a performance using the characters voice and tones. Devised work - LO: To explore the use of devised theatre. L) To explore the use of reading images, vocal performances. What is devised theatre? How can you create a piece of Devised theatre?
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