KS3 Curriculum Booklet 2017 -18
Curriculum Overview KS3 – Year 8 Subject: English Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1 Summer 2
GCSE link: paper 1, Section A/B
GCSE link: Language Paper 2, A/B
GCSE link: Literature Paper 2, Section B
GCSE link: Literature Paper 1, Section B
GCSE link: Language Paper 1, Section B
GCSE linlk:Literature Paper 1, Section B
Media Texts
Legends and Heroes
Introducing Will.I.Am
Spooks and Spirits
Cultures and Societies
Novel Study
Assessed by:
Assessed by: an essay response on an extract from the novel.
Assessed by: creative writing response
Assessed by: creative writing response based on an image
Assessed by: formal presentation on a character from chosen play
Assessed by: analytical essay comparing 2 texts from same culture but different eras
Writing a newspaper article; presenting the article as a newsreport for a news show.
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