KS3 Curriculum Booklet 2017 -18
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview Booklet 2017 - 2018
Curriculum Overview KS3 Curriculum Area: Creative Arts Subject: Art Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Year 7
Year 8
Van Gogh – Mark Making/Mixed media. Develop a range of key drawing techniques, experiment with various media and tools to create an expressive landscape painting inspired by Van Gogh. African Art African clay tiles. Look at key aspects of traditional African Art and culture. Replicate patterns/wax resist Design clay tiles based on African Art Clay tiles Observational drawing- shoes. Mark making, develop into mono print. Collage, mixed media.
Kandinsky paintings To understand the
Range and Content
characteristics of Kandinsky, through style, abstract art and colour theory. Colour wheel – painting to music. Students will collect research, reproduce art work, develop a design for a painting, using the key Characteristics of Kandinsky.
Key Concepts
Key Processes
Kandinsky continued. Cubism – Analytical and synthetic. Picasso Self portraits
Range and Content
Key Concepts
Photos – draw/monoprint and collage to create Picasso style self-portrait in mixed media.
Key Processes
Cubism continued.
Range and Content
Key Concepts
Key Processes
Curriculum Overview KS3 Curriculum Area: Creative Arts Subject: Drama Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Drama KS3 Overview September 2017
Year 7
Year 8
Autumn Mystery Pictures –
Genre – To explore the genres/styles of theatre and performance. How can I use the acting space to suit the genre of the piece? Can I demonstrate the style of each genre through my rehearsal and performance? Creating and sustaining different characters in rehearsal and performance. Use different performance techniques to demonstrate different genres explored. Rosa Parks – To explore how to respond to a stimulus. To experiment with how to use still image and narration to communicate meaning. To analyse how we may be controlled in society. To experiment with drama techniques to influence your audience. Use non-naturalistic techniques to represent emotions on stage. Experiment and analyse how you as a performer can influence your audience. Explore how to work successfully in large groups.
To adopt and sustain a variety of roles. To develop sensitivity to the situation in their use of language. To develop an understanding of the importance of conflict and tension in drama. What happens when conflict is introduced in a drama? Do we always have to resolve situations fully? Create a character using the ‘Mantle of the Expert’ technique. Use appropriate technical language to support the authenticity of the character. Present a sustained piece of performance based around the given mystery. Evacuees – To explore what it was like to be a child in WW2. To develop the historical context of the drama in more depth. Explain how it felt to be an evacuee. What were the differences between being a child then and now? W ork successfully in a group. Create a sustained/believable performance linked to WW2. Perform a character monologue. Soap Opera – To understand the genre of ‘Soap’. To explore the use of stock character and storylines within soaps. What does a typical ‘Soap Opera’ look like? Explain. Create and sustain a believable ‘Soap’ character. Create a typical episode, using setting and character as a starting point. Perform to the class. Darkwood Manor – Introduce students to the genre of ‘horror’ To enable students to take control of the drama. To investigate the drama using, ‘Mantle of the Expert’. What are the key elements you should include in a horror/mystery drama to draw the audience in to the action? Create a character linked to the drama. Create a context where their character would be involved in the drama. Perform a piece of drama linked to the storyline created.
Stage Skills – To explore the use of projection and dramatic pauses within a performance.
How do we use our voice? What is a dramatic pause? How can these two techniques enhance a performance? To explore the use of non-naturalistic performance. What is naturalism?
How could it affect a performance? U se their voice to create soft/ loud U se their voice to create a character.
E nhance a performance using the characters voice and tones. Devised work - LO: To explore the use of devised theatre. L) To explore the use of reading images, vocal performances. What is devised theatre? How can you create a piece of Devised theatre?
Curriculum Overview KS3 Curriculum Area: Creative Arts Subject: Drama Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
What elements need to be included? How can you choose a theme? Tell a story from a news report Use the story to create their own story based upon it
Summer Commedia Dell’Arte –
Mask & Mime - To enable students to use physical techniques in a workshop setting linked to mask & mime performance.
Play a character from CDA, they will be able to recognise the key character traits and exaggerate actions. They will be able to exaggerate actions and create a mime. Some pupils will have progressed further and will: Have a detailed understanding of at least one of the characters in Commedia Dell Arte. They will be able to perform as one of the characters with sensitivity and flair. Create CDA characters using masks/mime. To identify how we use facial expressions to tell a story. To explore how to use body language to show a story. To explore how we use our voice to communicate a story. To identify how we use our body language and voice to create a performance piece. Explain how the use of the body/voice can enhance a performance. Create a scene with others, using only their body/facial expressions. Create a scene using expression in their voice. Create a scene using masks as their performance style. Create CDA storylines using improvisation and script. Explore mime techniques that suit CDA performance. Communication –
How do you reflect emotions through your body? How can you represent noise through mime?
How have you developed a story using only your body? Take part in a ‘Mime’ workshop lead by the teacher Create a story using mime. Create a character through mime and movement. Script Work – To enable students to use techniques in rehearsal that will create a scripted performance. What set have you used and why? How have you interpreted character from a script? What have you found the most challenging element and why? Read and discuss the script with a partner . ‘Block’ the extract using stage directions on the script. Present a paired piece of performance to another group and reflect on ‘staging’ techniques used.
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Design Technology Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
2 Year KS3 DT Curriculum Plan
Rotation 1
Rotation 2
Rotation 3
Rotation 4
Workshop/RM Designing Analysis H&S Hand Tools Machine Tools Candle Holder Evaluating Workshop/RM Designing Analysis CAD Hand Tools Machine Tools Pinball Game Evaluating
Textiles TBC (Adaptations to existing SOW likely in light of new KS4 courses and staffing)
Food Intro to Food, Nutrition, Diets
Graphics Pop Up Books TBC
Textiles TBC (Adaptations to existing SOW likely in light of new KS4 courses and staffing)
Food Nutrition Cont. International Cuisine Specialty Diets
Graphics TBC
Curriculum Overview KS3 – Year 7 Subject: English Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1 Summer 2
GCSE links: Literature Paper 2, Section A
Imaginative writing Language paper 1, Section A/B
GCSE links: Literature Paper 1, Section B
GCSE links: Literature Paper 2, Section B
GCSE links: Language Paper 2, Section A
Language Paper 2, Section A/ B
Novel Study
2 week primary transition project Letters to be written to primary schools Creative response – my first day at secondary school
Conflict Poetry
Villains in History
Reading into writing – themed
Flour Babies
Ways to Live Forever
fictional extracts
Assessed by: responding to an extract style question
Assessed by: responding to an unseen poem
4 weeks
Cirque du Freak
Study of a range of non-fiction extracts Assessed by: transactional writing ‘survival guide’ and a reading response to an unseen non-fiction text.
Assessed by: comparing non- fiction texts Speech writing
Assessed by: an extract question on character/theme/setti ng
Assessed by: creative writing
Curriculum Overview KS3 – Year 8 Subject: English Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1 Summer 2
GCSE link: paper 1, Section A/B
GCSE link: Language Paper 2, A/B
GCSE link: Literature Paper 2, Section B
GCSE link: Literature Paper 1, Section B
GCSE link: Language Paper 1, Section B
GCSE linlk:Literature Paper 1, Section B
Media Texts
Legends and Heroes
Introducing Will.I.Am
Spooks and Spirits
Cultures and Societies
Novel Study
Assessed by:
Assessed by: an essay response on an extract from the novel.
Assessed by: creative writing response
Assessed by: creative writing response based on an image
Assessed by: formal presentation on a character from chosen play
Assessed by: analytical essay comparing 2 texts from same culture but different eras
Writing a newspaper article; presenting the article as a newsreport for a news show.
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Geography Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Geography medium term plan
CHINA FIELDWORK : HOW POLLUTED IS THE SCHOOL AIR? Content: Continents, population, development, tectonics, economics, pollution, glaciation. AFRICA Content: Ecosystems, development, economics, weather and climate, tectonics.
GEOGRAPHICAL SKILLS FIELDWORK: WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE FOR SIGNAL? Content: Continents, descriptions, maps skills our country. AMERICAS Content: Population, development, tectonics, weather, ecosystems, tectonics, coasts.
Term 1 & 2
Content: Development, spearman’s rank, ecosystems, energy, tectonics, biome, climate change.
Term 3 & 4
Content: Climate change, ecosystems, urbanisation, population, tectonics, weather, development. THE UK (Getting ready for GCSE geography). Content: Coasts, rivers, weather and climate, population, urbanisation.
INDIA/BANGLADESH Content: Weather, tectonics, development, economies, ecosystems.
Term 5 & 6
Content: Ecosystems, development, resources, population, weather and climate.
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Geography Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Global hazards
Resources Reliance
Sustaining ecosystems
Urban futures
Year 10
Distinctive landscapes
Trip: Living rainforest or Eden
TRIP: Portsmouth
Trip: Coastal trip
Changing climate
UK in the 21 st century
Year 11
Dynamic Development
DME practice/ Revision
TRIP: Urban area
ICT 2 Year KS3 Currciculum Map
Year 7
Year 8
Intro Unit
2 Weeks (3 x 50)
Understading Computer Specifications
Autumn 1
Assessment Tracker
Know My Computer Components and Peripherals 6 Weeks (9 x 50)
(14 x 50 or 7 x 100 TBC)
Digital Christmas
Scratch Video Game Creation
Autumn 2
Assessment Tracker
Assessment Tracker
Excel, Word, DTP
Scratch Programming
(10/11 x 50)
(14 x 50)
Esafety (2 Weeks) Kids Party Website Website Design
Graphical Programming (Scratch & Python)
Presentation & Assessment Tracker
Assessment Tracker
Spring 1
Transferable Skills & Concepts
(10/11 x 50)
(14 x 50)
Algorithms and Sequencing Algos, Flow Charts, Control
Python Programming
Python Skills ‐ Solution Development
Spring 2
Assessment Tracker
Assessment Tracker
(9 x 50)
(10 x 50)
Scratch Programming
Summer 1 (5 weeks)
New SOW (Scratch Game Maker Skills)
Assessment Tracker
Understanding Computer Logic
(7/8 x 50)
(14 x 50 or 7 x 100 TBC)
Python Programming New SOW (Python Skills)
Epic Website
Summer 2 (7 weeks)
Assessment Tracker
Assessment Tracker
KS4 Qualification or Website Project (14 x 50 or 7 x 100 TBC)
NB. Yr 7 Students have 3 x 50 per fortnight
Year 7 Exam
NB. Yr 8 Students have 4 x 50 per fortnight
Year 8 Exam
Digital Skills Focus Computing Knoweldge ICT in Business and Society
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Delta 1 Overview 7BX & 7GX (2017) Subject Areas – Maths – KS3 – aProgress Maths 2015 onwards – Year 7 Timescale Notes Topic Module Title
Assigned task
Teaching lessons
1 2 3 4 5 6
Analysing and displaying data
11 11 11 11
Number skills
Half term assessments
Equations, functions and formulae
Autumn Term assessments
Angles and shapes
Half term assessments
Spring term assessments
8 9
Multiplicative reasoning Perimeter, area and volume
11 11
Half term assessments
Sequences and graphs
Summer term test End of year test
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017 Delta 2 Overview 8BX & 8GX (2017) Subject Areas – Maths – KS3 – aProgress Maths 2015 onwards – Year 8 Timescale Notes Topic Module Title
Assigned task
Teaching lessons
1 2 3 4 5 6
Factors and powers Working with powers
Half term assessments
2D shapes and 3D solids
12 10
Real life graphs
Autumn Term assessments
Fractions, decimals and percentages
Half term assessments
Construction and loci
Spring term assessments
8 9
11 10
Scale drawings and measures
Half term assessments
Summer term test End of year test
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017 Pi 1 Overview 7BZ 7GZ (2017) Subject Areas – Maths – KS3 –a Progress Maths 2015 onwards – Year 7 Timescale Notes Topic Module Title
Assigned task
Teaching lessons
1 2 3 4 5 6
Analysing and displaying data
11 12
Half term assessments
Expressions, functions and formulae
Autumn Term assessments
Factors and multiples Decimals and measures
11 12
Half term assessments
Angles and lines
Spring term assessments
8 9
Measuring and shapes
11 11
Fractions, decimals and percentages
Half term assessments
Summer term test End of year test
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017 Pi 2 Overview 8BZ 8GZ (2017) Subject Areas – Maths – KS3 – aProgress Maths 2015 onwards – Year 8 Timescale Notes Topic Module Title
Assigned task
Teaching lessons
1 2
Number properties and calculations
12 11 10 10
Shapes and measures in 3D
Half term assessments
3 4
Expressions and equations
Autumn Term assessments
5 6
Decimal calculations
10 10
Half term assessments
Number properties
Spring term assessments
8 9
11 11
Fractions and percentages
Half term assessments
Summer term test End of year test
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017 Theta 1 Overview 7BY 7GY (2017) Subject Areas – Maths – KS3 – aProgress Maths 2015 onwards – Year 7 Timescale Notes Topic Module Title
Assigned task
Teaching lessons
Analysing and displaying data
11 12
Number skills
Half term assessments
Expressions, functions and formulae
10 12
Decimals and measures
Autumn Term assessments
5 6
Fractions Probability
Half term assessments
Ratio and proportion
Spring term assessments
8 9
Lines and angles Sequences and graph
11 10
Half term assessments
Summer term test End of year test
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017 Theta 2 Overview 8BY & 8GY (2017) Subject Areas – Maths – KS3 – aProgress Maths 2015 onwards – Year 8 Timescale Notes Topic Module Title
Assigned task
Teaching lessons
1 2 3 4
11 11
Area and volume
Half term assessments
Statistics, graphs and charts Expressions and equations
12 11
Autumn Term assessments
5 6
Real life graphs Decimals and ratio
10 10
Half term assessments
Lines and angles
Spring term assessments
8 9
Calculating with fractions
10 10
Straight line graphs
Half term assessments
Percentages, decimals and fractions
Summer term test End of year test
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Languages Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
2017- 2018
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Autumn 1
C’est perso (Intros/ descriptions)
¡Vamos! (Intros)
T'es branché (Media)
Mi vida (Review of Y7)
Mod 5 Au collège (School) AQA Theme : Current and future study and employment Mod 1 Moi (All about me) AQA Theme: Identity and culture
Mod 1 De vacaciones (Holidays) AQA Theme: Local/ National/ Global Mod 2 De paseo por Sevilla (Travel & tourism) AQA Theme: Local/ National/ Global áreas of interest
Mod 1 De vacaciones (Holidays) AQA Theme: Local/ National/ Global Mod 2 De paseo por Sevilla (Travel & tourism) AQA Theme: Local/ National/ Global áreas of interest
Mod 5 Au collège (School) AQA Theme : Current and future study and employment Mod 1 Moi (All about me) AQA Theme: Identity and culture
Mod 5 Au collège (School) AQA Theme : Current and future study and employment Mod 6 Il faut bosser! (Work) AQA Theme : Current and future study and employment
¡Divértete! (Media)
Paris! (Past-tense unit)
Autumn 2
Mon collège (School)
En el instituto (School)
áreas of interest Mod 3 A clase (School)
áreas of interest Mod 3 A clase (School)
Mod 8 Mode de vie (Healthy
Mod 2 Mon temps libre (Freetime)
Mod 2 Mon temps libre (Freetime)
Mis vacaciones (Holidays)
Mi familia (Family)
Mon identité (Youth culture)
Spring 1 Mes
passetemps (Freetime)
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Languages Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
AQA Theme: Identity and culture
AQA Theme : Current and future study and employment
AQA Theme: Identity and culture
AQA Theme : Current and future study and employment
living) AQA Theme: Identity and culture / Global areas of interest Mod 9 Le monde en danger (Environment) AQA Theme: Local/ National/ Global áreas of interest
La comida (Food)
Mod 3 La ou j'habite (Where I live) AQA Theme: Local/ National/ Global Mod 4 Allons-y (Leisure outings) AQA Theme: Identity and culture áreas of interest
Chez moi, chez toi (House/ home)
Spring 2 Ma zone (Town)
En casa (House/ home)
Mod 3 La ou j'habite (Where I live) AQA Theme: Local/ National/ Global Mod 4 Allons-y (Leisure outings) AQA Theme: Identity and culture áreas of interest
Mod 4 Los trabajos (Work) AQA
Mod 4 Los trabajos (Work) AQA
Theme : Current and future study and employment Mod 3 ¡Perdidos! (Lost!) AQA Theme: Identity and culture
Theme : Current and future study and employment Mod 5 ¡Perdidos! (Lost!) AQA Theme: Identity and culture
De moda (Clothes)
La France a du talent (Talent show/events)
Revision Exam prep
Summer 1
Partez! (Holidays)
El tiempo libre (Freetime)
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Languages Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
En la ciudad (Town)
La salud (Health)
Film project
Film project
Mod 6 Il faut bosser! (Work)
Summer 2
La francophonie
Mod 6 Tiempo libre (Freetime) AQA Theme: Identity and culture
(French- speaking culture)
AQA Theme : Current and future study and employment
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Music Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Staff notation Rhythm
Composition and Group Performance Polyrhythms Ability to read and maintain a simple rhythmic part within a small group ensemble
Staff notation Treble clef
Composition / Structure Binary Form ABA Introduction to musical structure and form. Focus on Binary. Pupils compose a simple Binary melody with two distinct Pupils recognise musical structure through repeated patterns both aurally and visually. Pupils create an original melody using two musical melodic phrases. phrases or ideas and arranges these into a variation of Binary structure.
Solo performance Piano
Solo performance Piano
Learn to recognise, write and read 4 rhythmic notes, and their relation to time signatures Completed rhythmic compositio n of 8 bars. Pupils complete an original 8 bar rhythmic piece, in both 4:4 and 3:4 time signatures ensuring understandi ng of position and placement of notes on a musical stave.
Reading treble clef notes middle C to top C. Playing simple melodic phrases involving rhythmic and pitch elements Pupils complete an original 8 bar melody, in both 4:4 and 3:4 time signatures ensuring understan ding of notes on the lines and spaces of the treble clef.
Pupils work through two piano/keyboard performances. 1. Drunken sailor 2. Scarborough Fair. With gradual one to one tutorship on playing techniques and introduction to dynamic contrasts. Tests pupils ability to put into practice the reading skills of staff notation that were developed throughout the year. Pupils demonstrate their musicianship and progress on the keyboard through dedicate d rehearsal towards a final performance of two pieces that challenge individuals to read both rhythmic and melodic elements and builds upon existing knowledge through the introduction of Bass clef staff notation
Pupils perform in small ensembles of 4 – 6 pupils to create a polyrhythmic African drumming piece that includes both call and response and polyrhythmic elements.
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Music Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Year 8
Tablature notation and performanc e Guitars Introductio n to alternative notation of tablature. How guitarists read music. Pupils all access and perform on acoustic
Small Ensemble
Music Business project: Creating a music festival
Large Ensemble Performanc e Whole class work on a set performanc e that involves many aspects of rhythm, harmony and melody. Each pupil working within a section in order to create a completed recorded performanc e.
Composition: Basics of Sibelius composing software Introduction to the composing software used within GCSE coursework ‘Sibelius’. Pupils learn how to create a score, add (take away) instruments, add multiple and single bars, insert notes.
Ensemble Performance:
performance and structure 12 bar blues Examination of Blues music history, influences and structure, as
Pupils explore the music business identifying the many and varied roles within the industry, how the financial aspects work and the relationships between events managers, music mangers and performers are arranged.
Whole class work on a class chosen performance that must involves many aspects of rhythm, harmony and melody. Each pupil working within a section in order to create a completed recorded performance
well as the impact on
popular music culture. Pupils
learn key features
including the Walking Bass, Strophic 12 bar structure, and the 1‐4‐5 chord progression and improvisation before they perform in a small ensemble Completed history questions, Ability to play the chord progression, walking bass and/or improvise within a small ensemble
guitars reading from tablature notation
Completed recorded performanc e of each individual performanc e. Two pieces increasing in difficulty.
Pupils plan a music festival
Whole class rehearsal schedule and recording of set piece
Completed weekly tasks to aid the eventual creation of a short 8 bar melody and accompanim ent piece with three separate
Whole class rehearsal and recording of chosen piece
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Music Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Physical Education Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Objective: Provide a high‐quality Physical Education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically‐demanding activities. Units of work will provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. There will also be opportunities to compete in sport and other activities to build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. Aims:
Develop competence in a broad range of physical activities Students to be physically active for sustained periods of time
Engage in competitive sports and activities Promote students to lead healthy, active lives (Physical Education National Curriculum) Student will rotate sport/activity each half term. The pathway that they follow is dependent on their set. Within each unit they will be taught to: use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports overcome intellectual and physical challenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, both individually and as a group analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best Depending on learner experience and group, each year they will have the opportunity to reinforce and expand on content they have previously experienced. More advanced skills will be explored and developed, as well as enhancing leadership qualities
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
3 Baseline Assessment Lessons before setting – gymnastics, Danish longball, dodgeball
Table tennis
Table tennis
Table tennis
Swimming/Water Polo/Life Saving/Synchronised Swimming Games for Understanding – e.g. football, rugby, netball, basketball
Swimming/Water Polo/Life Saving/Synchronised Swimming Games for Understanding – e.g. football, rugby, netball, basketball
Games for Understanding – e.g. football, rugby, netball, basketball
Striking and fielding – rounders, cricket or softball
Striking and fielding – rounders, cricket or softball
Striking and fielding – rounders, cricket or softball
Athletics Option
Athletics Option
Athletics Option
OAA Option
OAA Option
OAA Option
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Physical Education Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Assessment Styles Practical assessment is continuous for every activity during the unit of work, as well as at the end. Assessment grade is holistic; based on the ability:
to develop skills to evaluate & improve performance to make and apply decisions to adopt different roles & responsibilities to lead a healthy, active lifestyle to develop physical and mental capacity
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Religious Studies Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Analysis task, extended wriyting on the difference between religion and a hobby. Evaluation task on whether religion is a positive or negative thing in society. Empathy Task Compare & contrast challenges faced by Christians & Hinduss in the UK
Autumn 1 Is Football a Religion? (Introduction to Religion and Religious Communities)
Autumn 2 Is Religion Dangerous? An investigation into religious extremism, terrorism, war and pacifism.
Spring 1
Hindu & Christian Theology - Introduction
Myths & Legends - Understanding religious stories - types and genres, interpretation etc.
Spring 2
Create a parable, explain its teaching.
Year 7
Creative task relating to using art to communicate beliefs.
Summer 1 Religion & Art - From Adverts to Doom Paintings, pictures and other creative methods to pass on important beliefs without using words.
Explanation of the work of religious social activists e.g. MLK, Gandhi etc
Summer 2 Injustice, exploring religion as a vehicle for social change
Explanation of why people respond to authority & how it affects our choices
Autumn 1 Authority - understanding why people follow authority, different types of authority, religious authority etc.
Presentation on one aspect of the unit e.g. circuses, zoos etc
Autumn 2 Religion & Animals - how do we use animals, exploration of the morality of our relationship with animals - food, work, entertainment, experimentation etc.
Religion in the 21st Century - Philosophical Enquiry into the existence of God & different understandings of God. Religion in the 21st Century - Why is it sometimes hard to believe in God? Religious Responses to Suffering
Extended writing on arguments about the existence of God.
Spring 1
Year 8
Evaluation of theodicies and creative task on religious charities.
Spring 2
Summer 1 Religion in the 21st Century - Cults & Changes - how is religion going to change?
Presentation on group NRM
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Religious Studies Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Evaluation of different religious practices and methods of worship.
Summer 2 Spirituality, Mindfulness & Worship
Autumn 1 Introduction to Morality - how do people decide what's right and wrong? Also an introduction to different types of GCSE style questions and how to approach them - understanding command words & exam speak. Religious Basics - Christian & Hindu ideas about God, types of Christian, Who are the Gods? The Caste system & Basic beliefs about life after death. Religion and Life Religious responses to Creation, the Environment, the purpose of Human Life & the treatment of animals. Religion & Life Religious responses to Abortion, Euthanasia, treatment of the Elderly & Life After Death. Summer 1 Religion, Crime & Punishment - good & evil actions; reasons for crime; those who break the law; types of crime; aims of punishment, suffering; treatment of criminals; capital punishment & forgiveness. Summer 2 Religion & Human Rights and Social Justice - including Prejudice & Descrimination; UNDHR & ECHR; Equality & Freedom of Religion; Wealth and duty to help the poor; Fair pay and exploitation; responsibilities of those living in poverty; charity work & long and short term aid. Religion, peace & conflict - peace, justice, forgiveness and reconciliation; vionence, violent protest and terrorism; reasons for war; pacifism; religious belief as a cause of war & violence; weapons of mass destruction; religion & peacemaking in the modern world; victims of war Religious beliefs and teachings: The nature of God, tri-murti & trinity; creation stories; Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection and ascension; afterlife, heaven & hell, samsara; personal virtue, sin and karma; sanatana dharma and Christian salvation Religious practices: worship; prayer; sacraments; pilgrimage; festivals; places of worship; role of church in local community; teachers, priests, monks and gurus; yoga; mission and evangelism; religious charities. Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Autumn 1 & Autumn 2 Spring 1 & Spring 2 Summer 1 & Summer 2 Autumn 1 & Autumn 2
Written responses to moral issues and persuasive writing.
Factfiles on Christianity & Hinduism
Written responses to exam style questions. End of unit test using sample assessment material. Written responses to exam style questions. End of unit test using sample assessment material. Written responses to exam style questions. End of unit test using sample assessment material. Written responses to exam style questions. End of unit test using sample assessment material. Written responses to exam style questions. End of unit test using sample assessment material. Written responses to exam style questions. End of unit test using sample assessment material.
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Curriculum Overview KS3
Subject: Religious Studies Overview effective from[date ]: September 2017
Spring 1, Spring 2 & Summer 1
Written responses to exam style questions. End of unit test using sample assessment material.
Revision, WTM etc
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date]: September 2017
Key Stage 3 2017-18
Year 8 2017- 18
Year 7 2017- 18
Week beginning
4 lessons per week
4 lessons per week
04/09/2017 11/09/2017 18/09/2017 25/09/2017 02/10/2017 09/10/2017 16/10/2017
Transition project
Contact forces
Particle Model
23/10/2017 06/11/2017 13/11/2017 20/11/2017 27/11/2017 04/12/2017 11/12/2017 18/12/2017 Christmas lessons
Periodic table
Separating mixtures
Human reproduction
Christmas lessons
25/12/2017 01/01/2018 08/01/2018 15/01/2018 22/01/2018 29/01/2018 05/02/2018 12/02/2018 19/02/2018 26/02/2018 05/03/2018 12/03/2018 19/03/2018 26/03/2018 02/04/2018 09/04/2018 16/04/2018 23/04/2018 30/04/2018 07/05/2018 14/05/2018 21/05/2018
Chemical energy
Acids and Alkalis
Light and sound
Types of reaction
Metals and non-metals
Energy costs
Wave effects + properties
Curriculum Overview KS3 Subject: Mathematics Overview effective from[date]: September 2017
28/05/2018 04/06/2018 11/06/2018 18/06/2018 25/06/2018 02/07/2018 09/07/2018 16/07/2018 Run over time/skills Universe
Earth resources
Energy Transfers
Run over time/ prep for KS4 project
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