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Welcome to
Regents Park Community College
“Sight and hearing loss is more common than you think, let’s talk about it”
Deafblind Awareness Week at RPCC
July 20 th 7pm in the hall £2 entry Come along and see who has the X Factor at RPCC
Thankyou so much to everyone who got involved in the auditions. It was a really hard choice as the standard was higher this year than ever. Please keep on trying in future years if you didn’t make it this year.
1. Skyla 2. Abigail 3. Emily 4. Mason 5. Jessica
6. Eleanor 7. Yaz 8. Mitzi 9. Lauren 10. Hannah
Rehearsals will begin this week. Please come to a meeting on Wednesday at 2:40 p.m so that song choices can be finalised and the Friday rehearsal schedules issued. The performance will be in the last week of term in July. Many thanks and good luck.
Teaching and Learning Magic Moments
History – We’ve been analysing evidence and speculating on who killed JFK
English – We’ve been working on our exam targets and eating ice pops!
We’ve all enjoyed wearing our PE kits this week to try and keep cool!
Well done to all those chosen to attend the Rock Assembly in July!!!
Word of the Week Impeccable Faultless, flawless, immaculate
Mr Archibald’s suit was impeccable. The result was impeccable.
Spelling of the week: quiet/quite
Three simple steps to protect your networks & devices against ransomware
Ensure you are running the latest version of software and operating system available; and install system and app updates on all devices as soon as they become available;
Make your that you have anti-virus or anti-malware software on all devices and keep it updated;
Create regular back-ups of your important files to a device (e.g external hard drive) that isn’t left connected to your network – because any malware such as ransomware could spread to that, too.
Further excellent advice and technical guidance has been issued by the National Cyber Security Centre and can be found here at : If you have been affected by ransomware, please report it straight away via the cyber crime reporting portal at Action Fraud:
Your new PE kit… To see more check out the display in the PE corridor
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Summer Fete Thursday July 13 th 4 – 7 pm ‘Save the Date’
Activities include: Art Exhibition Music Recital Penalty ‘shoot-out’ in the Playground A Scavenger Hunt
Learning Spanish for the Holidays Fun and games and so much more… Come along and see what Regents Park has to offer! Everyone welcome.
Pre-order machine is located by the Dining Hall
Pre order your baguettes and sandwiches before school or at break time to avoid the queues at lunchtime. Please place your slip in the box provided in the Dining Hall
For Year 7 Students
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
If you would like to join in the ski trip next year, please give your name to Mr Brown.
Numeracy in RE
Mapping draw maps to an approximate scale
Timelines to depict historical Religious data
Jerusalem at the time of Christ
Numbers to read Bible References numbers eg Mark 1:16-28 and locate the correct verse in the Bible
Numeracy in RE
Time difference between BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, In the time of Christ), 40 days and nights
Graphs of data related to Religious Education topics
Statistics to interpret information eg current trends in Marriage, Cohabitation, Baptism
Numeracy in RE Percentage eg: of religions in the UK, abortions, marriages, divorces etc
Tessellation in patterns in churches and mosques
Symmetry eg: love heart, church plan, cross
Numeracy in RE
Money & Finance poverty, causes of debt etc
Measurement – David and Goliath, Noah’s Ark
Pattern - recurring festivals in the Church Year
Numeracy in RE Shape 2D, 3D - cross, star, circular, triangle, rectangle
Counting - Using the Rosary beads to count the number of Hail Marys and Our Fathers
Fractions - dividing the bread at the Last Supper and at the Feeding of the 5000
Numeracy in RE
12 Apostles
10 Commandments
5 Loaves and 2 Fishes
3 Persons in the Trinity
Numeracy in RE
1 God
72 Books of the Bible
7 Sacraments
Numeracy in RE
7 Deadly Sins
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
9 Fruits of the Spirit
3 Kings
Numeracy in RE
40 Days of Lent
3 Days & 3 nights in the Tomb
4 Gospels
Numeracy in RE
7 Days of Creation
12 Days of Christmas
7 Days of Creation
40 Days and nights Jesus spent in the desert
Numeracy in RE
2 of each animal on the ark
12 Sons of Jacob
2 Testaments in the Bible old and new
Numeracy in RE
30 pieces of silver used by Judas to betray Jesus
666 The number of the beast & the number of man
6 letters in the Greek word for Jesus
Are you in Year 7, 8 or 9?
Do you enjoy drama?
If the answer to these two questions is yes, then come along to DRAMA CLUB
Wednesday lunchtime in room 19
Friday’s @ Lunch
Girls Fitness group
Wednesday Lunch time
Attendance is vital Get to school on time Morning Registration - 8:30am
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