Digital Signage 25/05/17
Regents Park Community College Welcome to
July 20 th 7pm in the hall £2 entry Come along and see who has the X Factor at RPCC
Thankyou so much to everyone who got involved in the auditions. It was a really hard choice as the standard was higher this year than ever. Please keep on trying in future years if you didn’t make it this year.
1. Skyla 2. Abigail 3. Emily 4. Mason 5. Jessica
6. Eleanor 7. Yaz 8. Mitzi 9. Lauren 10. Hannah
Rehearsals will begin this week. Please come to a meeting on Wednesday at 2:40 p.m so that song choices can be finalised and the Friday rehearsal schedules issued. The performance will be in the last week of term in July. Many thanks and good luck.
Money Management Week at RPCC
Well done to all those chosen to attend the Rock Assembly in July!!!
Three simple steps to protect your networks & devices against ransomware
Ensure you are running the latest version of software and operating system available; and install system and app updates on all devices as soon as they become available;
Make your that you have anti-virus or anti-malware software on all devices and keep it updated;
Create regular back-ups of your important files to a device (e.g external hard drive) that isn’t left connected to your network – because any malware such as ransomware could spread to that, too.
Further excellent advice and technical guidance has been issued by the National Cyber Security Centre and can be found here at : If you have been affected by ransomware, please report it straight away via the cyber crime reporting portal at Action Fraud:
Word of the Week Luminous
Giving off light; bright or shining = bright, radiant, dazzling, gleaming
E.g. His watch gave off a luminous glow. She flashed him a luminous smile.
(Thank you to Cameron Brooker in Branson CS for this week’s word of the week).
Spelling of the week: interpretation
Teaching and Learning Magic Moments
Year 9
Music – we took part in a whole-class ensemble – it was really good!
Science – we’ve been working on circuits –it’s been fun because it’s active and different!
PE – we did high-jump for the first time – it was really challenging and really fun!
Your new PE kit… To see more check out the display in the PE corridor
Y e a r 1 0 W o r k E x p e r i e n c e Deadline: Friday 25 th May
Chilworth Manor Hotel
BBQ Menu -
Chilworth Manor Burger,
Chilworth Manor is an Edwardian Manor
Marinated Cajun Spiced Chicken
House set in 12 acres of grounds with a
Strips, Pork Sausages
sweeping driveway making the hotel a perfect
Vegetable Burger, Vegetable
Kebab, Buttered Jacket Potatoes,
venue for your school prom.
Buttered Corn on the Cob
Mocktail on arrival
Mixed Leaf Salad, Potato Salad,
Red carpet arrival
Homemade Chunky Coleslaw
Chocolate Fountain
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Farm school
Science does the year 11 Hunger Games.
For every science revision session you attend between now and the exams you will enter into a draw. If you are selected as tribute you will get your prom ticket paid by the school.
Summer Fete Thursday July 13 th 4 – 7 pm ‘Save the Date’
Activities include: Art Exhibition Music Recital Penalty ‘shoot-out’ in the Playground A Scavenger Hunt
Learning Spanish for the Holidays Fun and games and so much more… Come along and see what Regents Park has to offer! Everyone welcome.
Pre-order machine is located by the Dining Hall
Pre order your baguettes and sandwiches before school or at break time to avoid the queues at lunchtime. Please place your slip in the box provided in the Dining Hall
For Year 7 Students
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
Regents Park
Ski Trip 2017
If you would like to join in the ski trip next year, please give your name to Mr Brown.
GCSE Maths Exams
2017 Exam Dates: Thursday 25th May at 9am Thursday 8th June at 9am Tuesday 13th June at 9am
How are you preparing?
Whatever you do………..
do something!!
Maths Genie
A free resource of
past papers topic questions graded questions target tests (+ solutions)
Pixl Maths App
School ID: RP598 Userid: surname initial (eg, SMITHJ) Password: 12345
2017 Exam Dates: • Thursday 25th May at 9am • Thursday 8th June at 9am • Tuesday 13th June at 9am
Practice questions Available on the student area or purchase your own copy
Are you in Year 7, 8 or 9?
Do you enjoy drama?
If the answer to these two questions is yes, then come along to DRAMA CLUB
Wednesday lunchtime in room 19
Friday’s @ Lunch
Girls Fitness group
Wednesday Lunch time
Open Evening Dates 2016/2017 for Colleges & 6 th Forms.
Tues 9 th May 2017
Itchen Sixth Form College
Information Evening for Years 9 & 10 Weds 12 th July 2017
7.30 – 8.30pm
Peter Symonds College
Year 10
Weds 12 th & Thurs 13 th July 2017 tbc
Sparsholt College
Year 10: Thurs 22nd June 2017
Southampton City College
Year 10 Sat 10 th June 2017
9.30 – 1.00pm
Attendance is vital Get to school on time Morning Registration - 8:30am
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