COVID-19 Information Booklet
SEND Students Students with EHCPs have priority for a place in our onsite provision and these bubbles are supervised by Learning Support Assistants. Those whose parents prefer them to work remotely from home receive additional phonecalls to check on their wellbeing and to see whether additional support is needed to help a child with their EHCP targets. A tracking document provides ongoing monitoring and this information is verified by the Local Authority. Our Alternative Provision, Arbor Lodge, is open full time and staffed as normal and students who normally access this support are encouraged to engage with it. Where parents are preferring to keep these children at home during the national lockdown, the students are encouraged and supported with accessing the live lessons. Bespoke sessions and a specially produced guide have ensured all Arbor Lodge students can access the school ’ s remote provision. Where it is felt that long periods in front of the screen would not meet their needs, differentiated paper packs have been provided. Arbor Lodge staff are in regular contact with their students and their families. In remote lessons, teachers will differentiate according to their class and the needs of students. LSAs will join these lessons to support and there is a plan for them to provide intervention in breakout groups or special lessons. Again, parents can request paper versions of learning and these are differentiated to meet the needs of individual students. If parents of SEND children have any worries or would like additional support and guidance, then this can be raised during the regular HOY Support or SEND team calls and, of course, the SENDCO and Director of Inclusion are both on site and available.
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