COVID-19 Information Booklet
Monitoring Engagement in Learning
As you would expect, we are monitoring student 'attendance' at lessons. This is being done using the codes below.
We understand that students may be working in different ways, such as being unable to access a particular live lesson due to siblings sharing devices, but we want to acknowledge that these children may well complete the learning from that lesson later. Where this is clear to the teacher, for example, work is submitted on Google Classroom, teachers will record a 4. Parents can access instant information about their child ’ s attendance at lessons through SIMs Parent App. For parents not yet using this platform or experiencing difficulties logging on, see the page in the booklet on ‘ Sims Parent App ’. In addition to this Head of Year Support can feedback about lesson attendance during their regular wellbeing calls and an updated attendance letter will be posted at review points.
• 4 – indicates a student has not attended a live lesson but has accessed and / or completed work
5 – indicates a student has attended a live lesson
• 6 – indicates a student is completing a paper pack of work.
• O – indicates a student has not attended the live lesson, nor have they accessed and / or completed work.
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