Regents Review Summer 2019-20
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 7 As we finish our first year at Regents Park and Year 7 become Year 8, it’s a wonderful time to reflect upon our time and to also say thank you to you, the parents for all your wonderful words of support for the school and the team throughout lockdown. I am immensely proud of my wonderful Year team, students and staff who have continued to support Year 7 as we moved towards a ‘new normal’. In February, we started focusing on being ‘Year 8 ready’ and on reflection, we are so glad we did. As we moved into lockdown we quickly set up a whole year group Google Classroom and we have, as a team, enjoyed setting challenges, speaking to the students and creating fun quizzes for all students to be involved with. Tutors have thoroughly enjoyed their telephone calls with students, getting updates on what students have been up to: baking, cycling, redecorating and more! Students have been very busy. Below just shows the incredible students we have in Year 7 here at Regents Park. As you’ll see in this review there have been so many amazing pieces of work completed by Year 7 over this period of lockdown. We hope this will continue into Year 8. These students have 100% attendance and zero behaviour
Isabella Imogen
Georgia Ahmad Oskar Pandaree Robyn Ella Jamie Ernest Jack Willow Layla Jack Eddie Lola
Tyler Mina Jack
Milosz James Stanley Faith Ethan
Belle Ruby Lucy Zero Behaviour Points:
Imogen Adarsh Mailie Ruby Millie Hanna Sean Harvey Faith Connie Ethan Lucy Leo Benjamin Whitlee Top 15 Achievement Points
Shannon Julia Sophia Oscar Nadia Eren Owen Charlotte Zahira Isabella Tyler Alysha Lucy Lilly Eve Isaac Lewis Martyna Stanley Isobelle Inaaya Salvo Milosz
points. This is absolutely incredible and amazing: 100% Attendance
Shannon Julia
Charan Sophie Sophia Oscar Grace Neil Oliwia
Connie Nadia Lucy Zahira Oscar
Lottie James
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